Effect of Mind Mapping Teaching Strategy on Mathematics Achievement among Secondary School Students in Nandi County, Kenya

Effect of Mind Mapping Teaching Strategy on Mathematics Achievement among Secondary School Students in Nandi County, Kenya

Keter Philemon Kibet, Prof. John Simiyu and Dr. Joseph Mubichakani,
School of Education, University of Eldoret
Corresponding Author: kpketer@gmail.com

Abstract: The teaching of mathematics still follows the traditional pattern which is identified to be ineffective and a factor responsible for the poor performance. Students’ performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Nandi County is deemed to be poor in comparison to other subjects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mind mapping in mathematics instruction on learner achievement in secondary schools in Nandi County. The target population was 4761 form 2 students. The study adopted purposive sampling in selecting county schools followed by simple random sampling. Data was collected using Mathematics performance tests. Data was analyzed using mean, Standard error and t-test. The results showed that experimental group performed better than control group. There was no significant difference in scores of students between the experimental and control group for pre-test scores (p=.991). However, post-test scores showed a significant difference in scores between the experimental group and the control group (p=.000). The study concluded that use of mind maps as an intervention programme in teaching has a positive impact on students’ achievement. It was recommended that the use of mind mapping need to be encouraged in teaching and learning owing to its positive effects on boosting students’ academic achievement. Findings of the study would be of immense benefit to Secondary school teachers as they would acquire new instructional strategy. This will make the teaching of mathematics more interesting and thus improve teachers’ effectiveness.