Competence and Competency Based Learning Curriculum for Greening Sustainable Development in Kenya: Challenges and Panaceas

Competence and Competency Based Learning Curriculum for Greening Sustainable Development in Kenya: Challenges and Panaceas

Dr. Areba George Ngwacho Kisii University, Kenya

Received March 31, 2019; Revised June 29, 2019; Accepted June 30, 2019

Abstract: The Kenyan government, just like other countries, because of the impact of globalization, it has continued to reform education sector to respond to more emerging issues towards sustainable development. It is on this premise that the introduction of new education system is anchored. However, there is too little which has been done in establishing the link between competency based curriculum and sustainable development and their teething challenges. This paper is purposed to link competency based learning curriculum to sustainable development, while bringing to the fore the challenges the CBC is contenting with from conception to its implementation phase and their possible panaceas. Specifically and chronologically, this reflective paper attempts clarification of key operational terminologies used, link between competencies and sustainable development, rationale for advocacy of the CBC, theoretical underpinnings of CBC, challenges of CBC, conclusions and recommendations. This reflective and theoretical paper significantly contributes to the ongoing debates and reflections on the contribution of competency based curriculum on sustainable development, while addressing the teething challenges undermining the CBC implementation with a view of making it acceptable to all and providing apt strategies towards its successful implementation.

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