Promoting Gender Equality in Rwanda: Challenges and Prospects

Promoting Gender Equality in Rwanda: Challenges and Prospects

Anna Byiringiro Mbangukira, Chantal Akumuntu & Nover Nyakundi Peres
School of Nursing, Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali
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Received September 30, 2020; Revised November 5, 2020; Accepted December 3, 2020

Abstract: Gender equality, which is a vital human right to both gender has become a global concern due to the unequal gender roles and responsibilities existing across world societies. The attainment of this gender equality is challenged by factors such as conflicts, climate change and disasters, migrations, displacement, discriminatory social norms, cultural norms, ineffective legal and institutional frameworks. Such factors cause gender inequalities which prevent women from rights and opportunities as well as making decision concerning their life. Men also are affected in some ways. This qualitative paper endeavored to assess the gender equality situation in Rwanda in the pre-genocide and post genocide era. The review uses content/ literature analysis to explore gender equality situation in various life domains. It is guided by the following study questions: – What is gender equality? How was gender equality in Rwanda during the pre-genocide era? How was/is gender equality in the post- genocide era? What are the current efforts to attain gender equality? What are the current gaps in attaining gender equality in Rwanda? What can be done to attain gender equality in Rwanda? The article finds that during the pre-genocide era, gender inequality existed highly because gender frameworks had not been well established. In postgenocide era, gender frameworks were established and have significantly addressed gender inequalities. In conclusion, gender inequalities exist despite tremendous efforts to reduce them. Recommendations are proposed for effective gender equality attainment in Rwanda.