Management Challenges Facing Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program in Delivery of Quality Education in Bariadi District, Simiyu Region, Tanzania

Management Challenges Facing Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program in Delivery of Quality Education in Bariadi District, Simiyu Region, Tanzania

Salaganda Izengo and Clara Rupia
St. Augustine University of Tanzania

Abstract: This research identified management challenges facing Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQUIP) in provision of quality education in Bariadi District. The research engaged a mixed research approach with convergent parallel research design. General system theory developed by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy in 1950s guided this study. A sample of 86 respondents, including 75 teachers, 5 Head of School (HOS), 5 Ward Education Officer (WEO) and 1 District Secondary Education officer (DSEO) was employed. Both probability and non-probability sampling were employed where Head of School, Ward Education Officer and District Secondary Education officer and obtained through purposive sampling, while teachers were derived through stratified sampling. The data was gathered through questionnaires for teachers and interview guide were for administrators who own special information. A correlation coefficient of 0.75 demonstrated that the instruments were valid and reliable for data collection. Quantitative information was coded using descriptive statistics , which involved frequencies and percentages with the support of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21. Qualitative information was organized and analyzed thematically and presented in narrations and quotations. The findings revealed that poor teaching and learning environment, inadequate teaching and learning materials, lack of teachers’ professional development, large class size, lack of teacher motivation, long students’ travel distance from home to school and students’ dropout program were the challenges that face SEQUIP. The study recommends that before the implementation of program such as SEQUIP begins an assessment of other factors like improvement of teaching environment, teacher professional development, large class size and motivation must be considered in order to find out the best way of handling in preparing conducive environment of the program implementation.