Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Applications as Catalysts for Management of Training Programs in Technical and Vocational Training in Nairobi County, Kenya
Mary Mugwe Chui
School of Education, Mount Kenya University
Email: mugwemary01@gmail.com
Abstract: Learning institutions have started using artificial intelligence applications to enhance the management of training programs. However, many technical and vocational training institutions in Nairobi County face challenges such as low trainee engagement, difficulties with industrial attachments, wasted instructional time, and poor communication. Therefore, this study aimed to explore how artificial intelligence applications can serve as catalysts for managing training programs in public TVETs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The research employed a mixed methodology, utilizing a concurrent triangulation design. The target population included 4,080 respondents, consisting of 36 Deans of Schools, 180 Heads of Departments, 407 tutors, and 3,457 trainees, from which a sample of 364 respondents was calculated using Yamane’s Formula. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically according to the study’s objectives and presented in narrative form. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively with frequencies and percentages and inferentially using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis in SPSS 26, with results displayed in tables. The study found that the management of training programs in public TVETs faces numerous challenges, including low trainee engagement, issues with industrial attachments, wasted instructional time, and ineffective communication, all contributing to low completion rates. To address these issues, TVETs have started to adopt artificial intelligence applications. However, the findings indicate that significant improvements in the management of training programs have yet to be realized. Therefore, the study recommends that TVETs should continue investing in artificial intelligence tools aimed at enhancing planning and managing trainee preparation activities.