Determinants of Dropout and Transition Rates in Public Primary Schools in Kisumu East Sub-County, Kenya

Determinants of Dropout and Transition Rates in Public Primary Schools in Kisumu East Sub-County, Kenya

Mark Otieno Airo, James Sika & Carren Olendo
Department of Education Management and Foundations
Maseno University, Kenya

Abstract: Education plays a leading role in economic development in a country. This is hampered by challenges associated with dropout and transition in primary schools. The purpose of this study was to determine transition and dropout rates in public primary schools in Kisumu East Sub County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish causes of high drop-out rate and to determine factors leading to low transition rate in Kisumu East Sub County. The population consisted of 45 head teachers, 274 teachers and 751 pupils. Saturated sampling was used to select 40 head teachers and stratified random sampling to select 74 teachers and 202 pupils. Descriptive survey research design was used in this study. Questionnaire, document analysis and interview schedule were used. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that leading factor for dropout was the level of family income and for transition was availability of physical facilities. The study concluded that dropout and transition rates are determined by a range of interacting factors such as level of family income, orphan hood, level of education of family head, availability of physical facilities , cost of education , enrolment pupil character and pupil attitude. The study recommended that to increase retention and improve transition there should be cooperation between parents, teachers and the government. The study may be significant to all education stakeholders in Kisumu East Sub County in curbing the challenges of dropout and transition in the Sub County and the country as a whole.