Women Challenges in Accessing Natural Resources: Creating Innovations for Education Opportunities

Women Challenges in Accessing Natural Resources: Creating Innovations for Education Opportunities

Dr. Tumaini Samweli Mugaya
The University of Dodoma, Tanzania
Email: samwelikebara@yahoo.co.uk

Received January 12, 2020; Reviewed April 7, 2020; Accepted April 8, 2020

Abstract: In many developing countries, there are challenges facing women when it comes to accessing natural resources. This study investigated Challenges facing women in accessing natural resources in Dodoma rural areas, Tanzania. The study was guided by three objectives which were: identifying challenges hindering rural women’s access to natural resources in Mpwapwa district, identifying challenges that hamper rural women from gaining opportunities over education and finding out useful innovative for natural resources towards education opportunities. The study used a sample size of 30 respondents and was done qualitatively with the use of simple statistical applications. The data were collected through interviews, observations and focus group discussion. The findings revealed that many rural women are often financially dependent on men or do not have access to natural resources. With regard to land access, for instance often women are main users, providers and managers of land yet men have a greater role than women in making decision in what is
produced. As a result, in Dodoma and especially rural areas, women have little access to natural resources and this inadequacy hinders women participation in education. Trainings to gender inequality, less women involvement in natural resource management, building self-esteem and self confidence were found to be useful innovative strategies. The study
recommends that government authorities and other stakeholders should create sensitization programs of gender equality on accessing and control over natural resources.