Teachers’ Attitude towards Utilization of Play in ECDE Curriculum in ECDE Centres in Kericho Sub-County, Kenya

Teachers’ Attitude towards Utilization of Play in ECDE Curriculum in ECDE Centres in Kericho Sub-County, Kenya

Koech Zipporah Mutindi, Dr. Omwenga Ezekiel Nyambega, Dr. Pamela Wadende
Kisii University
Corresponding Author: koechzipporah@yahoo.com

Received August 25, 2019; Reviewed September 2, 2019; Accepted September 3, 2019

Abstract: Play strengthens all areas of child development socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, linguistically and literacy. Statistics in Kericho county show that 90% of ECDE teachers do not fully utilize play in ECDE centers. The aim of this study was to examine Teachers’ attitude towards utilization of play in ECDE centres in Kericho Sub-county. The study adopted Piaget’s Intellectual Development Theory (1896-1980). The study adopted mixed methods based on both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The study was conducted in Kericho Sub-County. The target population was 161 head teachers and 347 pre-school teachers, of whom a sample of 48 school heads and 104 pre-school teachers was selected using simple random and stratified sampling techniques from each educational zone in the sub-region. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and observations and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results were presented using frequency distribution tables. Qualitative data from interviews and observations were analyzed in topics and categories identifying similarities and differences that appeared. The study established that teachers in Kericho County have a positive attitude towards the utilization of play in ECDE curriculum. The teachers further indicated they believe in various aspects related to play and the ECDE curriculum. Majority strongly believe that children learn through songs, music and drama, need to make connections between concepts through play rather than learning isolated ideas, children should be involved in all-round play activities rather than work activities.