Volume 9, Issue 1. – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://www.jriiejournal.com Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:59:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.jriiejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-JRIIE-LOGO-1-32x32.jpg Volume 9, Issue 1. – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://www.jriiejournal.com 32 32 194867206 Bridging The Digital Literacy Divide in the Provision of Basic Education among Pastoralist Students: A Study of West Pokot County, Kenya https://www.jriiejournal.com/bridging-the-digital-literacy-divide-in-the-provision-of-basic-education-among-pastoralist-students-a-study-of-west-pokot-county-kenya/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bridging-the-digital-literacy-divide-in-the-provision-of-basic-education-among-pastoralist-students-a-study-of-west-pokot-county-kenya https://www.jriiejournal.com/bridging-the-digital-literacy-divide-in-the-provision-of-basic-education-among-pastoralist-students-a-study-of-west-pokot-county-kenya/#respond Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:55:13 +0000 https://www.jriiejournal.com/?p=6015 Read More Read More

Nelly C. Andiema
University of Eldoret
P.O Box 1125-30100 Eldoret, Kenya
Email: nellyandiema@gmail.com

Abstract: The paper explores the status of bridging of digital divide in provision of basic education in West Pokot County. The study was conducted in remote areas of Central Pokot and North Pokot Sub Counties. The study uses mixed method research design involving a target of 88 public secondary schools. From this, a sample size of 26 schools was selected from which 1 principal and 2 teachers participated in the study. Data was collected using questionnaire and interview schedule. Analysis of quantitative data has been performed through descriptive statistics with the help of SPSS (version 25.0). Qualitative data was analysed using thematic content analysis. Results show that only 40.0% of teachers possesses higher level digital of skills. Secondly, only 35.0% of schools were found to have adequate digital infrastructure to support integration of technology in teaching and learning in schools. Watching of television channels by students and internet research by teachers was common method of integrating digital skills in teaching. Some of the challenges found were: inadequate digital training to teachers, inadequate ICT resources, outdated ICT resources, poor internet connectivity, lack of electricity among others. Therefore, government needs to provide digital training skills to teachers, ensure there is electricity and fibre optic cable connection in schools and school management to work with stakeholders in acquisition of digital infrastructure resources.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/bridging-the-digital-literacy-divide-in-the-provision-of-basic-education-among-pastoralist-students-a-study-of-west-pokot-county-kenya/feed/ 0 6015
Moderating Effect of Participatory Management on the Relationship between Power Relations of Parties to Collective Bargaining Process in Public Universities in Kenya https://www.jriiejournal.com/moderating-effect-of-participatory-management-on-the-relationship-between-power-relations-of-parties-to-collective-bargaining-process-in-public-universities-in-kenya/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=moderating-effect-of-participatory-management-on-the-relationship-between-power-relations-of-parties-to-collective-bargaining-process-in-public-universities-in-kenya https://www.jriiejournal.com/moderating-effect-of-participatory-management-on-the-relationship-between-power-relations-of-parties-to-collective-bargaining-process-in-public-universities-in-kenya/#respond Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:47:04 +0000 https://www.jriiejournal.com/?p=6011 Read More Read More

Kuto Luka Yano
School of Business and Economics
Department of Management Science and Entrepreneurship
Moi University
Email: lukakuto@yahoo.com

Abstract: The study examined the influence of Power Relations of Parties (PRP) on the collective bargaining process (CBP) and the moderating effect of participatory management in public universities in Kenya. Anchored on Dunlop’s Systems Theory of Industrial Relations, it adopted a pragmatic paradigm, mixed methods approach, and sequential explanatory research design. The target population comprised 1,462 Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) members from Moi University and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, with a sample of 314 respondents determined using Yamane’s formula. Quantitative data were collected through structured questionnaires, while qualitative data were gathered via interviews with eight key informants. Data analysis utilized descriptive and inferential statistics, including correlation and hierarchical regression. Findings revealed that PRP positively and significantly influences CBP (β=0.228, p<0.05), while participatory management negatively and insignificantly moderates this relationship (β=-0.205, p>0.05). PRP and participatory management accounted for 58.5% of the variation in CBP. The study concludes that PRP enhances CBP, but participatory management does not significantly moderate this effect. The study recommends promotion of cooperation between unions and management and integrating participatory management practices in CBP. Future studies should consider additional factors such as technology, economic conditions, and market context to provide further understandings into CBP in Kenya and beyond.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/moderating-effect-of-participatory-management-on-the-relationship-between-power-relations-of-parties-to-collective-bargaining-process-in-public-universities-in-kenya/feed/ 0 6011
Effect of Stakeholder’s Management Practices on the Success of Sustainable Agriculture Productivity and Market Linkage Project (SAPMP) in Gisagara District, Rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda-2 https://www.jriiejournal.com/effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda-2/#respond Tue, 11 Mar 2025 05:42:09 +0000 https://www.jriiejournal.com/?p=6001 Read More Read More

Helena Elsa Pedro & Jean de Dieu Dushimimana
University of Kigali,
Email: helenaelsa@yahoo.com.br

Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of stakeholder communication management on the success of the Sustainable Agriculture Productivity and Market Linkage Project (SAPMP) in Gisagara District, Rwanda. The study employed a descriptive and correlational research design, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The target population consisted of 8,521 individuals directly involved in the project, including farmers, cooperative stakeholders, agri-business entrepreneurs, project staff, and government officials. A total of 381 respondents were sampled, and 9 key informants were interviewed. A total of 324 questionnaires were returned, and qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interviews. Inferential analysis was conducted using SPSS software version 21. The findings revealed a strong positive correlation between stakeholder communication management and project success, with a Pearson correlation coefficient of r= 0.744, indicating that effective communication practices are critical to project outcomes. Multiple regression analysis further confirmed that communication management significantly predicts project success, with a standardized beta coefficient of 0.144. The p-value of 0.000 indicates the statistical significance of this relationship. Despite these positive findings, challenges such as inadequate communication channels and delays in information dissemination were identified, which hindered project success. Based on these findings, the study recommends enhancing communication channels, improving the timeliness and accuracy of information delivery, and tailoring communication strategies to meet the specific needs of different stakeholder groups. These measures are expected to strengthen stakeholder engagement and improve the overall success of the SAPMP.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda-2/feed/ 0 6001
Effect of Stakeholder’s Management Practices on the Success of Sustainable Agriculture Productivity and Market Linkage Project (SAPMP) in Gisagara District, Rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda/#respond Tue, 11 Mar 2025 05:39:50 +0000 https://www.jriiejournal.com/?p=5998 https://www.jriiejournal.com/effect-of-stakeholders-management-practices-on-the-success-of-sustainable-agriculture-productivity-and-market-linkage-project-sapmp-in-gisagara-district-rwanda/feed/ 0 5998 Psychosocial Support Programs and Recidivism Prevention among Prison Inmates in Selected Prisons in Nairobi County, Kenya https://www.jriiejournal.com/psychosocial-support-programs-and-recidivism-prevention-among-prison-inmates-in-selected-prisons-in-nairobi-county-kenya/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=psychosocial-support-programs-and-recidivism-prevention-among-prison-inmates-in-selected-prisons-in-nairobi-county-kenya https://www.jriiejournal.com/psychosocial-support-programs-and-recidivism-prevention-among-prison-inmates-in-selected-prisons-in-nairobi-county-kenya/#respond Fri, 07 Mar 2025 04:40:25 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=5985 Read More Read More

Abraham Eskuri Mutia
Kiriri Women University of Science and Technology
Email: abrahameskurimutia@gmail.com

Abstract: The responsibility of the prisons is rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders to the community. Despite going through the prisons, a great number of offenders still commit crimes and are convicted again. The study aimed at assessing the Psychosocial Support offered to inmates to address recidivism in prisons in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study was guided by Reintegration theory and Cognitive behavioral theory. A convergent parallel research design- Mixed method research approach was adopted. Six prisons with inmates serving up to 10 years were selected purposively, simple random sampling technique was used to select 323 re- offenders, 36 leaders of the inmates were selected purposefully and 22 key informants from prison administration and 4 probation officers selected purposively. The study used questionnaires, focus group discussion schedules and interview guides in data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze quantitative data using, Qualitative data was analyzed through thematic analysis and presented through verbatim. The study found a weak positive overall correlation .046 which was statistically significant as (P-Value=0.000 < 0.05).

https://www.jriiejournal.com/psychosocial-support-programs-and-recidivism-prevention-among-prison-inmates-in-selected-prisons-in-nairobi-county-kenya/feed/ 0 5985
Devising Strategies for Inclusively Managing a Selected Primary School in Eswatini https://www.jriiejournal.com/devising-strategies-for-inclusively-managing-a-selected-primary-school-in-eswatini/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=devising-strategies-for-inclusively-managing-a-selected-primary-school-in-eswatini https://www.jriiejournal.com/devising-strategies-for-inclusively-managing-a-selected-primary-school-in-eswatini/#respond Fri, 07 Mar 2025 04:31:07 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=5978 Read More Read More

Elmon Jabulane Shongwe
Dean in Faculty of Education,
Southern Africa Nazarene University, Mbabane, Kingdom of Eswatini
Email: elmonshongwe@yahoo.com

Abstract: The Ministry of Education and Training in Eswatini 2019 introduced a Standards for Inclusive Education Policy, which all public schools had to adhere to. In response to the policy, this study sought to develop strategies for inclusive management by a school principal, aimed at aiding primary school principals in leading their schools in a manner that promotes inclusivity. To achieve this goal, a qualitative case study design of one primary school was employed, utilising a purposive sampling approach to select the principal and three senior teachers as participants. Recorded semi-structured interviews were conducted for all the participants, and the data obtained was analysed using thematic analysis. The study identified several strategies for fostering an inclusive educational environment, including adjusting teaching methods, training principals in special education needs, and allocating budget resources to accommodate learners with diverse special needs. Furthermore, the study emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between all school stakeholders and, the admittance of all children regardless of disabilities. Based on the findings, an inclusive education model will assist the principal in employing inclusive management. A quantitative study encompassing a broader range of schools from all regions of Eswatini is recommended to facilitate the generalisation of these findings to all schools.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/devising-strategies-for-inclusively-managing-a-selected-primary-school-in-eswatini/feed/ 0 5978
Driving Change: How Self-Help Groups Empower Women for Social and Economic Transformation in Ilala Municipality, Tanzania https://www.jriiejournal.com/driving-change-how-self-help-groups-empower-women-for-social-and-economic-transformation-in-ilala-municipality-tanzania/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=driving-change-how-self-help-groups-empower-women-for-social-and-economic-transformation-in-ilala-municipality-tanzania https://www.jriiejournal.com/driving-change-how-self-help-groups-empower-women-for-social-and-economic-transformation-in-ilala-municipality-tanzania/#respond Thu, 06 Mar 2025 05:19:30 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=5968 Read More Read More

Mary Malunde Watugulu
Institute of Adult Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Email: marywatugulu@hotmail.com

Abstract: The study explored how self-help groups empower women for social and economic transformation in Ilala Municipality, Tanzania. The study employed a qualitative research approach with a sample size of 20 participants obtained through a purposive sampling technique in which 16 women from self-help groups (SHGs), 2 facilitators of self-help groups, and 2 representatives from financial institutions that offer loans or financial services to self-help groups SHGs participated in the study. Data was collected through interviews and focus group discussions and was analysed thematically. The findings of the study revealed various social and economic transformations namely increased social capital and community networking, empowerment in leadership and decision-making, improved social status and gender equality, enhanced social support and solidarity, improved financial literacy and independence, access to microfinance and income-generating opportunities, economic resilience through savings and credit systems and economic resilience through savings and credit systems. Therefore, the study recommended government authorities to expand training programs focused on financial literacy, business management, and leadership skills to empower women. Moreover, local governments and development partners should work to improve access to microfinance and create more opportunities for SHGs to engage with financial institutions, ensuring women can better leverage savings and credit systems for entrepreneurship and economic stability.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/driving-change-how-self-help-groups-empower-women-for-social-and-economic-transformation-in-ilala-municipality-tanzania/feed/ 0 5968
Predictors of Women Entrepreneurial Initiatives: A Case of Lotuko Community in Juba, South Sudan https://www.jriiejournal.com/predictors-of-women-entrepreneurial-initiatives-a-case-of-lotuko-community-in-juba-south-sudan/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=predictors-of-women-entrepreneurial-initiatives-a-case-of-lotuko-community-in-juba-south-sudan https://www.jriiejournal.com/predictors-of-women-entrepreneurial-initiatives-a-case-of-lotuko-community-in-juba-south-sudan/#respond Wed, 05 Mar 2025 05:53:27 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=5958 Read More Read More

Suzy Anong Lomoro Muras

Tangaza University, Nairobi, Kenya

Email: suzyanong3@gmail.com

Abstract: The aim of study was to examine the predictors of women entrepreneurial initiatives among Lotuko community in Juba, South Sudan. The study was anchored on the theory of Entrepreneurship. A cross-sectional design was used in the research. The target population was 100 registered women entrepreneurs in Lotuko, Juba City. A non-probability sampling techniques was used to sample 100 registered women entrepreneurs. Questionnaires were used in data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as measures of central tendencies and dispersion with the use (SPSS) version 25. The analyzed data was presented using frequency distribution tables. The qualitative data was presented in verbatim form. It was found that women participation in entrepreneurship has been affected by the cultural beliefs and traditions in Juba. Finding also indicated that cultural differences among the Juba communities greatly affect the women entrepreneurship initiatives and development. South Sudanese women feel discriminated in terms of accessing loans and finances from financial institutions thus hinder their entrepreneurial initiatives whereas the infrastructures of the country are available to promote women owned enterprises in Juba. Finally, woman take the initiative of identifying business opportunities and ideas in the environment of Juba City. The study further suggests that the role of women in the economic wake up of the country is very key and thus government needs to give strong support financially, in terms of entrepreneurial education and favourable policies that protect women against male discrimination in business. This will ensure a steady growth of communities and the Country as a whole.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/predictors-of-women-entrepreneurial-initiatives-a-case-of-lotuko-community-in-juba-south-sudan/feed/ 0 5958
The Effectiveness of Debate in Developing English Communication Skills among Secondary Students in Burera District, Rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/the-effectiveness-of-debate-in-developing-english-communication-skills-among-secondary-students-in-burera-district-rwanda/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-effectiveness-of-debate-in-developing-english-communication-skills-among-secondary-students-in-burera-district-rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/the-effectiveness-of-debate-in-developing-english-communication-skills-among-secondary-students-in-burera-district-rwanda/#respond Wed, 05 Mar 2025 05:44:14 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=5954 Read More Read More

Neza Jean D’Amour & Elizabeth A. Owino

University of Kigali

Email: jeanneza33@gmail.com

Abstract: This study investigated how well debate works as a teaching method to help students in Burera district, Rwanda communicate in English. This study’s primary goal was to evaluate how well debate might enhance English communication skills in Burera district, Rwanda. Additionally, the study took into account the particular Rwanda educational setting. Data was gathered from Burera district students, using mixed-method research design. All secondary school students in the Burera District were the study’s target group. Purposive sampling was used in the study to choose a sample of secondary school students because not all schools have active and functioning English clubs and determine the precise number of students enrolled in English club only 143 students who were chosen from schools with functioning English clubs and random sampling were used to determine the group that are not among English clubs. Descriptive design and experimental design were used and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed and questionnaire, debate tests and observation were usedas data collection methods. The findings were analysed using SPSS 21. The findings indicate that debate significantly improves students’ speaking skills, argumentation abilities and engagement in language learning.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/the-effectiveness-of-debate-in-developing-english-communication-skills-among-secondary-students-in-burera-district-rwanda/feed/ 0 5954
Awakening the Sleeping Genius in Each of Us: Fostering Innovation and Creativity at African Rural University https://www.jriiejournal.com/awakening-the-sleeping-genius-in-each-of-us-fostering-innovation-and-creativity-at-african-rural-university/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=awakening-the-sleeping-genius-in-each-of-us-fostering-innovation-and-creativity-at-african-rural-university https://www.jriiejournal.com/awakening-the-sleeping-genius-in-each-of-us-fostering-innovation-and-creativity-at-african-rural-university/#respond Tue, 04 Mar 2025 04:39:33 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=5946 Read More Read More

Mwalimu Musheshe & Maali Chrispo

Directorate of Research, Innovation and Publication, African Rural University

Email: cmaali@aru.ac.ug

Abstract: This study examines how African Rural University (ARU) fosters creativity and innovation among students, with a focus on awakening the “sleeping genius” within rural learners. ARU adopts an educational model that combines interdisciplinary learning, local knowledge, and community engagement to prepare students to address challenges in rural Africa. Through qualitative research, the study explores the perceptions of third- and fourth-year students and faculty regarding creativity, teaching strategies, and successful student-led projects. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews with 30 students and six faculty members, and three focus group discussions. Findings reveal that students view creativity as a collaborative, practical process essential for solving local problems. They emphasize the importance of real-world applications and community-driven innovation. However, a gap exists between fostering creativity and actualizing innovation in the curriculum. Successful projects like the S & V Superb Juice Project and Piggery Project demonstrate the impact of entrepreneurship and hands-on learning in rural development. The study recommends integrating innovation more consistently into the curriculum, strengthening mentorship, increasing financial support for student projects, and leveraging technology to enhance creativity. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on rural education and creative learning, highlighting how ARU’s approach can drive transformative change in rural communities.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/awakening-the-sleeping-genius-in-each-of-us-fostering-innovation-and-creativity-at-african-rural-university/feed/ 0 5946