The Role of Social Workers in Education for Children with Special Needs in Nairobi City County, Kenya
Johnson Mavole – The Catholic University of Eastern Africa. P.O BOX 3634 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Mary Mutisya – The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Peter Wambulwa The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
ABSTRACT: Education is a critical tool to liberate the mind from shackles of poverty and ignorance because it helps an individual to evaluate a problem and come up with alternative solutions. The main aim of this study was to examine the role of Social Workers in education for children with Special Needs in Nairobi County, Kenya. Specifically, role in elimination of education biasness; influencing development of relevant curriculum; advocating for the educational rights of children with special needs and the role of Social Workers in special education awareness creation. Ecological Systems Theory by Allen & Tracy, 2004 directed the study. A systematic review was conducted particularly with a focus on the role of Social Workers in education of children with special needs. This desktop analysis utilized search engines to obtain data from various data bases and e-libraries which was guided by the purpose of the study. It was recommended that Social Workers should be included in decision making relating to special education needs; more empirical research should be conducted, regarding how Social Workers as people conversant with special needs, could continue to work effectively with stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for special students’ education