The Role of Learning Resource Project in Teacher Education in Kenya
Ezekiel Nyambega Omwenga & Omosa Elijah Mochama
Kisii University
Abstract: The role of project work in STEM education cannot be overemphasized in Kenya and globally. A number of universities in Kenya have infused the Learning Resource Project (LRP) in the training programmes in Teacher Education. The Project based learning makes the school and learning more like a real-life situation promoting the 21St century skills meant for surviving in the present world, unlike the ancient model of passive learning. The study, guided by Yin’s case study research design, using purposeful sampling, sought to find out the role of infusion of LRP in teacher training in Kenya. Three hundred and sixty (360) trainee teacher in the STEM subjects were studied over a period 2017-2020. The Learning Resource Project Assessment tool was used to get information concerning the choice of project, pedagogical justification, use of locally available materials, design and development procedures, involvement of learners, utilization in teaching and sustainability of the LRP. Data from observation was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study established that the teacher trainees are made to learn on the job, create link their teaching with the learners’ environment, understand how to apply Project-based learning (PBL) that is engaging, rigorous, teacher-facilitated, student-centered, and standards-based. It also assists the teacher trainees to connect to the economy, innovation, and technology. However, there is need to equip the lecturers teaching special subject methods and their cooperating teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes with the recent trends of PBL.