The Innovative use of WhatsApp to Teach Academic Communication Skills during the Covid-19 era: Lecturers and Students Experiences

The Innovative use of WhatsApp to Teach Academic Communication Skills during the Covid-19 era: Lecturers and Students Experiences

Dr Mildred Shingirirai Nyamayedenga
Women’s University in Africa, Zimbabwe

Abstract: This study aims to explore lecturers’ and students’ experiences on the innovative use of WhatsApp in the teaching and learning of Academic Communication Skills course during the lockdown period. Covid-19 has brought new challenges to world’s economies, social livelihoods and education. Following recommendations from Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development (MHTEISTD) in Zimbabwe, lecturers and students at Women’s University in Africa (WUA) Zimbabwe had to adopt a suitable online platform in place of face-toface lectures, thus creating Montessori lecture rooms at convenient locations for the participants. This study adopts a qualitative approach which is interpretive in nature. The study is hinged on Vygotsky’s (1978) Social Cultural Theory and McCroskey’s (2006) Instructional Communication Model. Five students and three lecturers were purposively sampled to understand their experiences in the innovative use of WhatsApp. Data from interviews and documents were analysed using the inductive thematic analysis to reveal the phenomenon under study. Major findings of this study revealed that lecturers and the majority of the students were fully supportive of the initiative to receive and conduct lectures online. WhatsApp data was much cheaper. The study recommends that students and lecturers may learn new skills on WhatsApp. Ensuing studies may compare blending WhatsApp lecture format with conventional lectures.