Ziziphus Mauritiana – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://jriiejournal.com Sun, 11 Aug 2024 12:13:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://jriiejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-JRIIE-LOGO-1-32x32.jpg Ziziphus Mauritiana – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://jriiejournal.com 32 32 194867206 Harnessing the Indigenous Fruit (Ziziphus Mauritiana) for Poverty Alleviation to Promote Inclusivity in Muzarabani Primary Schools https://jriiejournal.com/harnessing-the-indigenous-fruit-ziziphus-mauritiana-for-poverty-alleviation-to-promote-inclusivity-in-muzarabani-primary-schools/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=harnessing-the-indigenous-fruit-ziziphus-mauritiana-for-poverty-alleviation-to-promote-inclusivity-in-muzarabani-primary-schools https://jriiejournal.com/harnessing-the-indigenous-fruit-ziziphus-mauritiana-for-poverty-alleviation-to-promote-inclusivity-in-muzarabani-primary-schools/#comments Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:05:39 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=4929 Read More Read More

Charity Chiromo
Faculty of Education
Midlands State University
Email: chiromoc@staff.msu.ac.zw

Abstract: This study explored the indigenous Ziziphus mauritiana (Masau) fruit and its potential for poverty alleviation to most parents of learners in Muzarabani schools in Zimbabwe. When these fruits are in season, they are in abundance in Muzarabani. However, there have not been much study on its potential to alleviate poverty among the parents of most learners in Muzarabani Primary schools who are failing to get enough schooling resources for their children. The study adopted the qualitative research approach and the phenomenological research design. The population consisted of all Primary schools, School heads, School Development Committee (SDC) members and learners in Muzarabani. Random sampling technique was used to select 3 Primary schools and the 3 school heads, 15 SDC members (5 from each school) and 90 learners (30 from each school). Semi-structured interviews, observation and focus groups ere were used to obtain data from the respondents. The study revealed that, the fruit can be eaten raw, sold and some preserved for future use. The fruit can be preserved into Masau chips for making a traditional cake, fruit powder, fruit leather and beverages. This created an opportunity for the local people to make money. The study recommends the following (i) The government through one of its universities need to establish a plant in Muzarabani to process the indigenous Ziziphus mauritiana (Masau) fruit at a larger scale (thus education 5.0 in Zimbabwe) thereby employing local people of Muzarabani. (ii) Members of the community should be educated about the dangers of drinking Kachasu.

https://jriiejournal.com/harnessing-the-indigenous-fruit-ziziphus-mauritiana-for-poverty-alleviation-to-promote-inclusivity-in-muzarabani-primary-schools/feed/ 2 4929