Tag: Zimbabwe

Consulting Teaching and Learning at a Zimbabwe University During Covid-19: Roadmap to Recovery and Beyond

Consulting Teaching and Learning at a Zimbabwe University During Covid-19: Roadmap to Recovery and Beyond

Efiritha Chauraya and Wonder MuchabaiwaMidlands State University, ZimbabweEmail: efirithachauraya@fastermail.com/chaurayae@staff.msu.ac.zw Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused probably the most significant world-wide disruptions in all sectors of the economy in human history. This study prescribes a Zimbabwe state university where little has been done to explore what can be done to prepare the institution to have students…

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Teachers’ Level of Use of Continuous Assessment Practice in Kwekwe District Secondary Schools, Zimbabwe

Teachers’ Level of Use of Continuous Assessment Practice in Kwekwe District Secondary Schools, Zimbabwe

Paul ChandaDepartment of Policy Studies and LeadershipMidlands State University, ZimbabweEmail: chandapaulos@gmail.com Abstract: Recent curriculum reforms in the new global economy have emphasised the importance of continuous assessment as a theoretical basis for measuring the progress and achievement of learners in a holistic manner. The aim of this study was to try to establish the teachers’…

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School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

Dr. Gambiza CathrineAtlantic International University, Honululu, Hawaiigambiza0@gmail.com Abstract: The research focused on school factors that contribute to low ZIMSEC performance at Tapiwa Primary School Gweru District in the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. The study sample was composed of (10) participants (5 males and 5 females) it used a Thematic case study research design with a qualitative…

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Calamities Abound: Impact of COVID-19 Face-to-Screen Induced Learning among University Students in Zimbabwe

Calamities Abound: Impact of COVID-19 Face-to-Screen Induced Learning among University Students in Zimbabwe

Prof. Stella Muchemwa – Midlands State University, Zimbabwe, Prof Vencie, B. Allida – Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica,Dr Alice Dhliwayo – Solusi University, Zimbabwe Abstract: The outbreak of -COVID19 on Mother Earth prompted for reactions, adjustments and novelties on all aspects of life, including the education sector. In universities world-wide, modes of lesson delivery were compelled…

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Views of Parents on Instructional Homework at Elementary School Level, Bulilima District, Zimbabwe

Views of Parents on Instructional Homework at Elementary School Level, Bulilima District, Zimbabwe

Stella Muchemwa, HOD Languages and Communication Department, Solusi University. muchemwas@solusi.ac.zw Christopher N. Thebe Dean of Students’ Solusi University. thebecn@solusi.ac.zw ABSTRACT: Education systems of the world value instructional homework. At elementary school level, both teachers and parents are expected to see to it that students do their homework. The concept of homework is based on the…

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Factors Influencing Effective English-Teacher Composition Feedback Practices in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Factors Influencing Effective English-Teacher Composition Feedback Practices in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Vencie Allida, PhD, Lecturer, School of Education , University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya. Prof. Stella Muchemwa, PhD*, Professor of Language and Communication, Solusi University, Zimbabwe*Corresponding author: muchemwas@solusi.ac.zw Received June 24, 2018; Revised October 24, 2018; Accepted October 30, 2018 Abstract: Teachers’ feedback practice in English composition teaching at secondary school is consciously and unconsciously…

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