Tag: Universal primary Education

Effects of Universal Primary Education on Completion Rates of Pupils in Primary Schools in Isingiro District

Effects of Universal Primary Education on Completion Rates of Pupils in Primary Schools in Isingiro District

Ziporah Ngabirano, Francis Akena Adyanga & Johnson OcanKabale University, UgandaEmail: 2023aphder4577w@kab.ac.ug Abstract: Introducing UPE worldwide led to a surge in enrolment rates in most countries, which often overwhelmed and exceeded the capacity of education systems. Severe constraints such as shortage of teachers and school materials led to overcrowding in Uganda, the student teacher ratio moved…

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Effect of Head-teacher’s Planning Strategies on Teacher Effectiveness in Universal Primary Education Schools in Kaliro District, Uganda

Effect of Head-teacher’s Planning Strategies on Teacher Effectiveness in Universal Primary Education Schools in Kaliro District, Uganda

Kooti David & Harriet NalukwagoTeam University, UgandaEmail: kootidavid@gmail.com Abstract: The study seeks to examine the effect of head teachers’ planning strategies on teacher effectiveness in UPE schools in Kaliro District. The researcher used a cross-sectional survey design with a concurrent mixed-methods strategy in which the researcher integrated qualitative and quantitative tactics in data collection, analysis,…

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