Triple Helix Model for Retrofitting Technical and Vocational Education Training in Transition to Green Economy in Tanzania

Triple Helix Model for Retrofitting Technical and Vocational Education Training in Transition to Green Economy in Tanzania

Godfrey G. Moshi – Department of Electrical Engineering, Arusha Technical CollegeNaisujaki S. Lyimo – Department of Applied Science and Social Studies, Arusha Technical CollegeErick V. Mgaya – Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) TanzaniaEmail: godfrey.moshi@atc.ac.tz Abstract: Tripartite relationship between academia, industry and the government establishes the simplest and sustainable framework to address challenges in…

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Challenges Facing Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions on Youth Employment in Gasabo District, Rwanda

Challenges Facing Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions on Youth Employment in Gasabo District, Rwanda

Jean de Dieu Hakizayezu & Dr. Jean Francois ManirahoUniversity of Rwanda/ College of EducationEmail: hakizajaa@gmail.com Abstract: This paper contributed to education stakeholders by addressing challenges faced by TVET graduates on employment and suggesting strategies and recommendations to improve youth employment. Purposive and simple random sampling were used to select 192 respondents and data were collected…

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Influence of Industrial Attachment Duration on Employability Skills: A Case of Technical, Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) Trainees in Nairobi County

Influence of Industrial Attachment Duration on Employability Skills: A Case of Technical, Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) Trainees in Nairobi County

Alex Njogu Mwaura – Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA)Dr. Mary Mugwe – Mount Kenya UniversityDr. Paul Adabu – Mount Kenya UniversityDr. Ruth Thinguri – Mount Kenya UniversityCorresponding author email: anmwaura@yahoo.com Abstract: Lack of relevant and adequate data on the influence of industrial attachment duration on employability skills development of trainees from Technical, Vocational Educational,…

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Assessment of Emerging Trends in Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institutions Policies in Relation to Students’ Academic Achievement in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Assessment of Emerging Trends in Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institutions Policies in Relation to Students’ Academic Achievement in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Onyango Benard Okelo Dr. Audrey Matere Dr. Justina SyonthiKisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: benard_onyango@yahoo.com Abstract: TVET institutions are experiencing high enrolment, which overwhelms existing infrastructure, insufficient allocation of financial resources by government and other financial institutions, inadequate access and usage of technology, continued use of out-of-date curriculum in TVET courses, as well as mismanagement / misappropriation…

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Influence of Virtual Physics Laboratory on Transfer of Skills Training: Connection Accuracy and Speed

Influence of Virtual Physics Laboratory on Transfer of Skills Training: Connection Accuracy and Speed

Omosa Elijah Mochama – Department of Physics, Kisii University, Kenya, Dr. Ezekiel N. Omwenga – Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Media, Kisii University, Kenya, Dr. Enock M. Obuba – Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Media, Kisii University, Kenya. Email: eomwenga@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke Received June 2, 2020; Revised June 20, 2020; Accepted June 22, 2020 Abstract:…

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