Tag: teaching

Contribution of School Boards for Effective Teaching and Learning: A Focus on Public Secondary Schools in Mbeya District, Tanzania

Contribution of School Boards for Effective Teaching and Learning: A Focus on Public Secondary Schools in Mbeya District, Tanzania

Jeremiah Tabu & Chrispina LekuleSt. Augustine University of TanzaniaEmail: jeremiahking54@gmail.com Abstract: This study sought to examine contribution of School Boards for effective teaching and learning. The study also explored challenges which School Board members face and how to mitigate them. A mixed research approach and explanatory sequential design were employed. Data was collected through questionnaires…

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Student’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward Learning Physics in Arusha City Secondary Schools, Tanzania

Student’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward Learning Physics in Arusha City Secondary Schools, Tanzania

Abraham Daniel Mollel – University of Rwanda- College of Education, Africa Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science, Kayonza, Rwanda Dr. Evareste Minani – Department of Mathematics, Science and Physical Education, University of Rwanda- College of Education, Kayonza,Rwanda Beni Mbwile – University of Rwanda- College of Education, Africa Centre of Excellence…

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Public Pre-Primary School Teachers’ Use of Play as a Classroom Teaching Strategy: A Case of Bunyala, Busia County, Kenya

Public Pre-Primary School Teachers’ Use of Play as a Classroom Teaching Strategy: A Case of Bunyala, Busia County, Kenya

Zachary A. Okello – Mount Kenya University, KenyaDr. Josephine Kirimi – Mount Kenya University, KenyaDr. Hudson Ouko Ong’ang’a – Kenyatta University, KenyaCorresponding Author: zacharyokello06@gmail.com Abstract: Learner’s classroom participation can be gauged by; confidence levels turn-taking, numeracy skills, manipulative competencies and task completion. However, over time, adequate inculcation of play as a strategy in early childhood…

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Effect of Mind Mapping Teaching Strategy on Mathematics Achievement among Secondary School Students in Nandi County, Kenya

Effect of Mind Mapping Teaching Strategy on Mathematics Achievement among Secondary School Students in Nandi County, Kenya

Keter Philemon Kibet, Prof. John Simiyu and Dr. Joseph Mubichakani,School of Education, University of EldoretCorresponding Author: kpketer@gmail.com Abstract: The teaching of mathematics still follows the traditional pattern which is identified to be ineffective and a factor responsible for the poor performance. Students’ performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Nandi County is deemed to be…

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School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

Dr. Gambiza CathrineAtlantic International University, Honululu, Hawaiigambiza0@gmail.com Abstract: The research focused on school factors that contribute to low ZIMSEC performance at Tapiwa Primary School Gweru District in the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. The study sample was composed of (10) participants (5 males and 5 females) it used a Thematic case study research design with a qualitative…

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Creating an Enabling Environment for Learning Chemistry: A Case of Using Mobile Phone Apps for Attitude Change in Resource Constrained Private Secondary Schools in Uganda

Creating an Enabling Environment for Learning Chemistry: A Case of Using Mobile Phone Apps for Attitude Change in Resource Constrained Private Secondary Schools in Uganda

Jimmy Luyima, Michael Walimbwa & John SentongoCollege of Education and External studies – Makerere University, UgandaCorresponding Author: luyimajimmy@gmail.com Abstract: Intrigued by reports ranking chemistry as one of the worst performed science subjects over the years at Uganda Certificate of Examination level, citing attitude towards the subject as one of the explanations, this study investigated the…

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Instructional Resources, Methodology and Teacher Preparedness in Learning Physical Geography in Wajir County, Kenya

Instructional Resources, Methodology and Teacher Preparedness in Learning Physical Geography in Wajir County, Kenya

Samson Kipchirchir – Moi University, Kenya, and William Kebenei – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya. Corresponding author: bettsamson2@gmail.com Received February 20, 2019; Revised March 15, 2019; Accepted March 17, 2019 Abstract: This study sought to investigate Challenges in teaching and learning physical geography in selected public secondary schools in Wajir County, Kenya. It has…

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Innovative Learning and Teaching Context for Adaptive Expertise in the Twenty-First Century

Innovative Learning and Teaching Context for Adaptive Expertise in the Twenty-First Century

Juhudi K. Cosmas (PhD) College of Education, University of Dodoma Karugendo2007@yahoo.com Received November 15, 2018; Revised February 15, 2019; Accepted March 10, 2019 Abstract: This is a conceptual article on innovative learning/instruction setting for adaptive expertise. Currently, the dominant learning approach is socio-constructivist – where in learning process, a learner actively constructs knowledge in the…

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