Tag: Tanzania

Assessment of WhatsApp as a Collaborative Learning Tool in the post COVID-19 Era in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Tanzania

Assessment of WhatsApp as a Collaborative Learning Tool in the post COVID-19 Era in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Tanzania

Mutajwaa Alphonce Shuubi and Kivara Minael ReubenCentre for Information and Communication TechnologySt John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: salphonce@sjut.ac.tz, rminael@sjut.ac.tz Abstract: Information Technology has changed our societies in a variety of ways, before COVID-19 and after COVID-19. A mobile phone being one of the devices under technological generation is needed in teaching and learning. In higher learning…

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Management Challenges Facing Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program in Delivery of Quality Education in Bariadi District, Simiyu Region, Tanzania

Management Challenges Facing Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program in Delivery of Quality Education in Bariadi District, Simiyu Region, Tanzania

Salaganda Izengo and Clara RupiaSt. Augustine University of TanzaniaEmail: izengosalaganda@gmail.com/kokubela55@gmail.com Abstract: This research identified management challenges facing Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQUIP) in provision of quality education in Bariadi District. The research engaged a mixed research approach with convergent parallel research design. General system theory developed by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy in 1950s guided this…

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Contribution of Extracurricular Activities on Students’ Retention: A Focus on Public Secondary Schools in Bariadi District, Tanzania

Contribution of Extracurricular Activities on Students’ Retention: A Focus on Public Secondary Schools in Bariadi District, Tanzania

Evance Yintore and Dr. Chrispina LekuleSt. Augustine University of TanzaniaEmail: yintoreevance.ey@gmail.com; chrispina.lekule@saut.ac.tz Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which extracurricular activities contribute to student retention in public secondary schools. The study employed a mixed research approach, and a convergent parallel design. Closed and open-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interview guide and…

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Women and Leadership in Education Agencies in Tanzania: Empirical Study on Challenges Facing Women Education Leaders

Women and Leadership in Education Agencies in Tanzania: Empirical Study on Challenges Facing Women Education Leaders

Zaujia Shemahonge and Winfreda MalingumuThe Open University of TanzaniaEmail: zaujiashemahonge@yahoo.com Abstract: This study focused on the challenges facing women education leaders in education agencies in Tanzania. The study employed a qualitative research approach with case study design as a method of inquiry. The study employed purpose sampling technique to obtain 15 participants from various education…

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Challenges Facing School Quality Assurance Officers in Enhancing Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Mwanga District, Tanzania

Challenges Facing School Quality Assurance Officers in Enhancing Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Mwanga District, Tanzania

Cecilia A. Mritha and Dr. Daniel OnyangoDepartment of Education FoundationsSt. Augustine University of TanzaniaEmail: ceciliamrita@gmail.com & jumadan06@gmail.com Abstract: The study assessed the challenges that school quality assurance officers (SQAOs) face in enhancing academic performance in public secondary schools in Mwanga district, Tanzania. Convergent parallel research design under a mixed methods research approach was used. The…

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The Effectiveness of Secondary School Heads in Supervising School Resources in Shinyanga District Council, Tanzania

The Effectiveness of Secondary School Heads in Supervising School Resources in Shinyanga District Council, Tanzania

Abdallah Issa & Michaela MhagamaDepartment of Education FoundationsSt. Augustine University of TanzaniaEmail: michaelamhagama@gmail.com & alindyati@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the effectiveness of secondary school heads in supervising school resources in Shinyanga District Council, Tanzania. The study intended to find out the effectiveness of secondary school heads in supervising school resources. It also sought to identify…

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Teacher Training and Provision of Quality Education in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha City

Teacher Training and Provision of Quality Education in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha City

Kennedy Omondi Otieno – St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), ArushaElizabeth Ludovick Temba – Tengeru Institute of Community DevelopmentEmail: omondiken2016@gmail.com/ betkatabi@gmail.com Abstract: This study examined the relationship between teacher training and provision of quality education in secondary schools in Arusha city. Data was collected from 8 public schools; one DEO and 8 school heads were…

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The Interplay between Students’ First/home Languages and School Culture on Students’ Learning of English in Tanzania

The Interplay between Students’ First/home Languages and School Culture on Students’ Learning of English in Tanzania

Dr Upendo P. BiswaloSt John’s University of Tanzaniaupendopsix@yahoo.co.uk; ubiswalo@sjut.ac.tz Abstract: Tanzania is a multilingual society with more than 120 spoken indigenous languages plus Kiswahili, which is the country’s national language. In Tanzania, while Kiswahili is the medium of instruction (the MOI) at the primary education level; English is the MOI at secondary education level. Although…

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An Assessment on the Role of the Teacher in Classroom Management: A Case of Arumeru District, Tanzania

An Assessment on the Role of the Teacher in Classroom Management: A Case of Arumeru District, Tanzania

Onesmo B. MinjaUniversity of Arusha, TanzaniaEmail: minjaone3@gmail.com Abstract: This study deals with assessing the role of the teacher in classroom management specifically in Arumeru district. The study aimed at examining the roles of the teacher on classroom management, finding out whether there are effects on Classroom Management, assessing characteristics of a well-managed Class and assessing…

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Teachers’ Constructions of Students: A Need for Transforming English Language Teaching Practices in Tanzania

Teachers’ Constructions of Students: A Need for Transforming English Language Teaching Practices in Tanzania

Dr. Upendo P. BiswaloSt John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: upendopsix@yahoo.uk/ubiswalo@sjut.ac.tz Received July 8, 2020; Revised July 21, 2020; Accepted July 22, 2020 Abstract: This paper presents and discusses how teachers of English in the three secondary schools in Dodoma cityTanzania, constructed their students. It uses Foucauldian discourse analysis as a lens to understanding how students were…

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