sustainable development – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Sat, 04 Dec 2021 11:37:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sustainable development – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 Role of Global Citizenship Education in Sustainable Development Sat, 04 Dec 2021 11:34:14 +0000 Read More Read More

Titus O. Pacho
Kisii University, Kenya.

Abstract: This study sought to explore the role of Global Citizenship Education in promoting sustainable development in the context of higher education using St. Augustine University of Tanzania as a case study. The specific research questions of the study were (1) What does Global Citizenship Education mean in the context of higher education? (2) Is Global Citizenship Education an important feature of higher education in Tanzania? (3) In what ways, if any, does Global Citizenship Education contribute to sustainable development? The study used an interpretive paradigm through qualitative research approach and a case study design. The target population were postgraduate students, faculty members, and administrators of St. Augustine University of Tanzania. A sample of 21 participants were used to collect data. The sampling techniques employed was purposive sampling. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions and analysed thematically based on the research questions. Findings revealed that Global Citizenship Education is an important instrument in promoting sustainable development. Global Citizenship Education can significantly shape students, researchers and educators’ trajectories on global issues, collective responsibility, diversity and multiculturalism, and instil in them the determination to act at a global scale. Based on the findings, the study recommends integration of aspects of Global Citizenship Education into the university curriculum, internationalisation of the institution, and varying of pedagogical approaches by faculty members.

The Contribution of Southern Theory for Sustainable Development in Africa Sat, 05 Jun 2021 09:58:04 +0000 Read More Read More

Dr. Upendo P. Biswalo
St John’s University of Tanzania

Abstract: For years, knowledges from non-western contexts have been under-represented in the both Western and nonWestern contexts. This study argues that, for African region to achieve sustainable development, African indigenous values, customs and practices need to be considered/ privileged, and not to be marginalised. This reviewed study, therefore, uses Southern theory (Connell, 2007), to challenge Western ideologies that what counts as rational knowledge comes from the West. Southern theory, therefore, challenges this dominant discourse, this Eurocentric belief that African societies are backwards and incapable, and paves the way for the possibility for change in finding and using knowledge from an African perspective. The application of Southern theory therefore makes it possible for knowledge originating from non-Western contexts to be recognised and legitimated. On the other hand, Southern theory is employed to suggest ways of making knowledge from Western contexts more responsive to Southern contexts. In other words, it suggests the deconstructions of Western knowledge to fit into non-Western contexts, such as Tanzania. Drawing in some postcolonial ideas, the study suggests that it is high time for people in Africa to embrace African ways of thinking, their ways of living, and their languages to ensure sustainable development in Africa.

Exploring Tanzanian Secondary School Biology Curriculum on Climate Change for Biological Literacy Tue, 01 Jun 2021 05:23:14 +0000 Read More Read More

Dr. Juma, Zawadi Richard
St John’s University of Tanzania

Abstract: School curriculum plays a crucial role in equipping citizens with knowledge and skills needed to make day to day decisions. In Tanzania, secondary school biology curriculum considered biology literacy as one of the important components on students’ learning. In this regard, this study explored the biology curriculum, specifically the component related to climate change and its role in equipping young people with knowledge and skills useful for making day to day decisions. This paper mainly employed qualitative data collection tools and also quantitative data collection tool was used. A total of 322 students responded to the questionnaire, 162 respondents were located in urban area and 160 respondents were based in rural area. Then, the total of eight student focus group discussions were involved. In addition, thirteen teachers from secondary schools were interviewed, eight were biology subject teachers and five school club teachers. Purposive sample included eight schools in total, four of these schools were located in urban area and other four in rural area. The findings indicate that most of participants need to be more aware of the effects of climate change on human health, however, little consideration was taken into biology curriculum to teach the concept for socio-economic development. Therefore, this paper recommends the biology curriculum developers in Tanzania to put much consideration to incorporate the aspect of climate change for facilitating development of skills and knowledge of sustainable development among Tanzanians.

Effect of Education on Sustainable Development in East African Universities: A Case of Two Universities in Uganda and Rwanda Tue, 19 Feb 2019 08:49:38 +0000 Read More Read More

Prof. Dr. Kaaya Siraje* – University of Technology and Arts of Byumba, Rwanda and Henry Stanley Mbowa Kampala University, Uganda
*Corresponding author:

Received October 17, 2018; Revised November 25, 2018; Accepted November 30, 2018

Abstract: Education is a key resource in society which encourages innovative approaches towards societal transition and sustainability through formal education systems, non-formal and informal learning settings. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocate for all learners to have knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development. As the United Nations is advocating for that, many developing countries are still struggling to attain quality education for sustainable development. Therefore, the study assessed the effect of education on sustainable in East African Universities. Kampala University and University of Technology and Arts of Byumba participated and 44 respondents were purposively selected to participate in the study. Data was collected through interviews and checklists from education leaders’ and practitioners’ perspectives on the need for quality education in sustainable development. The validity of the instruments was assured through discussion and verification by experts in education to ensure their validity. Data was analyzed using content value analysis through triangulation and transcription to generate results. The study findings revealed that learners’ understanding of sustainable development is enhanced, the wider knowledge gap among the learners is reduced, hands-on skills and practices for sustainable development are attained too. Therefore, the study recommended that, universities should rethink to broaden the notion of lifelong education, implement culturally-relevant and locally appropriate education in society, apply action-oriented and problem based learning as strategies to quality education for sustainable development.
