Tag: sustainable development

Role of Global Citizenship Education in Sustainable Development

Role of Global Citizenship Education in Sustainable Development

Titus O. PachoKisii University, Kenya.tpacho@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke Abstract: This study sought to explore the role of Global Citizenship Education in promoting sustainable development in the context of higher education using St. Augustine University of Tanzania as a case study. The specific research questions of the study were (1) What does Global Citizenship Education mean in the context…

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The Contribution of Southern Theory for Sustainable Development in Africa

The Contribution of Southern Theory for Sustainable Development in Africa

Dr. Upendo P. BiswaloSt John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: upendopsix@yahoo.uk Abstract: For years, knowledges from non-western contexts have been under-represented in the both Western and nonWestern contexts. This study argues that, for African region to achieve sustainable development, African indigenous values, customs and practices need to be considered/ privileged, and not to be marginalised. This reviewed…

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Exploring Tanzanian Secondary School Biology Curriculum on Climate Change for Biological Literacy

Exploring Tanzanian Secondary School Biology Curriculum on Climate Change for Biological Literacy

Dr. Juma, Zawadi RichardSt John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: zappia2014@gmail.com Abstract: School curriculum plays a crucial role in equipping citizens with knowledge and skills needed to make day to day decisions. In Tanzania, secondary school biology curriculum considered biology literacy as one of the important components on students’ learning. In this regard, this study explored the…

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Effect of Education on Sustainable Development in East African Universities: A Case of Two Universities in Uganda and Rwanda

Effect of Education on Sustainable Development in East African Universities: A Case of Two Universities in Uganda and Rwanda

Prof. Dr. Kaaya Siraje* – University of Technology and Arts of Byumba, Rwanda and Henry Stanley Mbowa Kampala University, Uganda *Corresponding author: profkaayas@gmail.com Received October 17, 2018; Revised November 25, 2018; Accepted November 30, 2018 Abstract: Education is a key resource in society which encourages innovative approaches towards societal transition and sustainability through formal education…

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