Tag: Students

The Impact of Geography Instructional Resources on Learning: Case of Geography Students in Selected Public Schools of Kayonza District, Rwanda

The Impact of Geography Instructional Resources on Learning: Case of Geography Students in Selected Public Schools of Kayonza District, Rwanda

John K. Mugisha College of Education, University of RwandaEmail: mugishajohn64@gmail.com Received July 25, 2020; Revised August 25, Accepted September 10, 2020 Abstract: The use of instructional resources and their impact on students’ performance have been widely research. But the way these instructional resources impact the learning of geography students especially in low income countries like…

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Students Self-Efficacies Influence on the Attainment of KCSE Targets in Public Secondary School in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

Students Self-Efficacies Influence on the Attainment of KCSE Targets in Public Secondary School in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

Julius Moses Mambili – Doctoral student, Kisii University, Kenya. Dr. George N. Areba – Department of Educational Administration planning and Economics, Kisii University, Kenya. Dr. Gisore N. Billiah – Department of Educational Psychology, Kisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: gareba@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke Received August 5, 2020; Revised December 10, 2020; Accepted December 20, 2020 Abstract: The attainment of students…

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Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Self Discipline in Secondary Schools in Kenya

Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Self Discipline in Secondary Schools in Kenya

Winnie Muthoni Ngila – Teachers Service Commission, Kenya winngila@yahoo.com Lazarus Ndiku Makewa – Lukenya University ndikul@gmail.com ABSTRACT: This study examined the relationship between students’ emotional intelligence and selfdiscipline in schools. The study was descriptive and comparative in design in that subjects were measured at once and comparisons of the variables made in relation to the…

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The Importance of Educational Forum as Perceived by Students from Mataa Location, Mbooni West SubCounty

The Importance of Educational Forum as Perceived by Students from Mataa Location, Mbooni West SubCounty

Lazarus Ndiku Makewa, Lukenya University ndikul@gmail.com Josephine Mbithe Mutie ( Corresponding Author) Teachers Service Commission josephine.mbithe@yahoo.com ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine how students of Mataa location perceive their educational forum when grouped according to: gender, parental support, level of education and Challenges faced. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics to…

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