Tag: Students and Education

Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak on Students’ Education in Secondary Schools in Ikungi District in Singida Region, Tanzania

Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak on Students’ Education in Secondary Schools in Ikungi District in Singida Region, Tanzania

John MakabeParish Priest;Catholic Diocese of SingidaChrist the King ParishP.O. Box 1047-SingidaEmail: makabejohn645@gmail.comDr. Kennedy Omondi OtienoCoordinator Postgraduate Studies Research & PublicationsSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.P.O. Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.Email: omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: The study investigated Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak on Students’ Education in Secondary Schools in Ikungi district, Singida Region. The study objectives were…

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