Tag: strategies

The Influence of School Heads’ Motivation Strategies on Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha Region, Tanzania

The Influence of School Heads’ Motivation Strategies on Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha Region, Tanzania

Christine Elisante MnjokavaSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.Email: cmnjokava@yahoo.com Abstract: This study investigated the influence of school heads’ motivation strategies on teachers’ performance in public secondary schools in Arusha Region, Tanzania. Objectives were to; assess the status of teachers’ performance in public secondary schools and determine the influence of school heads’ motivation strategies on…

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Coping Strategies Among First Year Students and its Influence on their Education: A Study of Universities in Arusha Region, Tanzania

Coping Strategies Among First Year Students and its Influence on their Education: A Study of Universities in Arusha Region, Tanzania

Daniel R. MkumboHead Teacher, Goodwill Secondary School, Arusha.Email: dannyrichard42@gmail.com Kennedy Omondi OtienoSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.Email: omondiken2016@gmail.com Charles Gervas RufyirizaSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.Email: rufcharles@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the coping strategies among first year students and its influence on their university education in Arusha Region, Tanzania. Objectives were to assess…

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Investigation of Strategies for Implementing Inclusive Education in Same Public Primary Schools in Tanzania

Investigation of Strategies for Implementing Inclusive Education in Same Public Primary Schools in Tanzania

Leticia Charles & Milka V. OtienoThe St John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: leticiacharles76@gmail.com Abstract: The present study examined various strategies for the implementation of inclusive education in public primary schools within Same District. The research was carried out in the Kisima, Hedaru, and Same Wards and encompassed three primary schools. The research employed a case study…

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Implementation of Learner-Centered Strategies in Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Rwandan Secondary Schools of Rulindo District: Challenges and Achievements

Implementation of Learner-Centered Strategies in Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Rwandan Secondary Schools of Rulindo District: Challenges and Achievements

Eric Cyiza – University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE); African Center of Excellent for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)Dr. Jean Francois Maniraho – Lecturer at University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE)- Rwanda. Email: cericcyiza1@gmail.com Abstract: Recently, the use of learner centered pedagogy was adopted to improve the teaching and learning process. However,…

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Instructional Factors Behind Teacher Training Colleges Students’ Low Motivation of Learning Mathematics in Language Education Option

Instructional Factors Behind Teacher Training Colleges Students’ Low Motivation of Learning Mathematics in Language Education Option

Servilien Bimenyimana & Alphonse UworwabayehoUniversity of Rwanda, College of Education, African Center of Excellence for Innovative Teaching andLearning Mathematics and ScienceEmail: servilienb@gmail.com Abstract: The present study argues that instructional factors are key determinant for teacher training colleges (TTCs) students’ low motivation of learning mathematics in language education option. Findings are drawn from a large study…

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Prospects, Challenges and Strategies of Internationalization of University Education in Kenya

Prospects, Challenges and Strategies of Internationalization of University Education in Kenya

Hezekiah Adwar Othoo – Department of Education Psychology, Management and Policy Studies – Alupe University CollegeJames Ochieng Sika – Department of Education Management and Foundations – Maseno University, KenyaEmail: hezruakas@gmail.com/ drjamessika@hayoo.com Abstract: Education has become more international and in this millennium, governments have laid emphasis on internationalization of higher education through international co-operation and exchange.…

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Principals’ Influence on Supervision Strategies on Teachers’ use of Professional Records for Effective Curriculum Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in West Pokot Sub-County, West Pokot County, Kenya

Principals’ Influence on Supervision Strategies on Teachers’ use of Professional Records for Effective Curriculum Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in West Pokot Sub-County, West Pokot County, Kenya

Lokupo Francis Dr. Areba George Ngwacho Dr. Okutu Aggrey AsitibaDepartment of Educational Administration planning and Economics, Kisii University, Kenya.Corresponding Author: gareba@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke Received July 11, 2020; Revised October 19, 2020; Accepted October 30, 2020 Abstract: Principal’s inadequate supervision strategies on curriculum have continued to affect effective curriculum implementation. The study’s objective: to assess principal’s influence on…

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