Tag: Status

The Perceptions of the Pre-service Education Students about the Status and Socio-cultural Beliefs about the Teaching Profession

The Perceptions of the Pre-service Education Students about the Status and Socio-cultural Beliefs about the Teaching Profession

Petronila Ndungwa MwangiUniversity of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: mwangip@ueab.ac.ke Abstract: The study sought to explore the perception of pre-service education students on the status and socio-cultural beliefs about the teaching profession in selected public and private universities in Kenya. Correlational research design and a concurrent mixed method approach was employed in this study. The respondents…

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Assessing the Status of Educational Resources in Rural Public Secondary Schools in Misungwi District, Tanzania

Assessing the Status of Educational Resources in Rural Public Secondary Schools in Misungwi District, Tanzania

Beatrice E. Pamela – Misungwi MunicipalProspery M. Mwila – St. Augustine University of TanzaniaCorresponding Author: bapropsk@gmail.com Abstract: Every society’s quality is largely determined by the quality of its educational system. Given the apparent constraints on educational resources, the importance of maximizing their efficient utilization for maximum academic results cannot be overstated. This study assessed the…

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