Tag: South Africa

Entrepreneurship as an Instrument for Curbing Unemployment in Rural Communities of South Africa

Entrepreneurship as an Instrument for Curbing Unemployment in Rural Communities of South Africa

Bongani Thulani Gamede,Faculty of EducationDepartment of Social ScienceUniversity of Zululand, South AfricaEmail: Gamedeb@unizulu.ac.za Abstract: This study examined the role of entrepreneurship in curbing unemployment in rural communities of South Africa. The study employed qualitative methods in data collection as data were collected from eight randomly selected students by using semi-structured interview. The participants were final…

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Mathematics Learning of Rwandan and South African Grade 6 Learners

Mathematics Learning of Rwandan and South African Grade 6 Learners

Jean Francois Maniraho – University of Rwanda, College of Education, Rwanda & Iben Maj Christiansen – University of StockholmCorresponding Author: jmaniraho2@gmail.com Received December 2, 2019; Revised July 20, 2020; Accepted July 22, 2020 Abstract: A substantial body of literature exists on learning and how it is related to learners’ backgrounds and the type and quality…

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Grade Six Learners’ Performance in Mathematics: A Comparison between Rwanda, Botswana and South Africa

Grade Six Learners’ Performance in Mathematics: A Comparison between Rwanda, Botswana and South Africa

Dr. Jean Francois Maniraho* – College of Education, University of Rwanda and Dr. Leon R. Mugabo – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science University of Rwanda, *Corresponding author: jmaniraho2@gmail.com Received November 16, 2018; Revised January 27, 2019; Accepted February 25, 2019 Abstract: While South Africa and Botswana have participated…

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