Tag: Socio-emotional skills

Socio-emotional Skills and Graduate Employability in the Hospitality Sector of South Western Uganda, Kigezi Sub -Region

Socio-emotional Skills and Graduate Employability in the Hospitality Sector of South Western Uganda, Kigezi Sub -Region

Sylivia Byarugaba Tushabe, Fredrick SSempala, Christine Ampumuza & Henry Stanley MbowaKabale University, UgandaEmail : tushabesylivia2@gmail.com or stushabe@kab.ac.ugORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7918-7167 Abstract: Hospitality graduates struggle to secure employment in the hospitality sector. This study examined the relationship between socio-emotional skills and graduate employability in the hospitality sector in the southwest Uganda-Kigezi sub-region. The research design employed in…

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