Tag: School Leadership

Stakeholders’ Involvement and School Leadership for Effective Implementation of Strategic Planning

Stakeholders’ Involvement and School Leadership for Effective Implementation of Strategic Planning

Mbogo Rosemary Murugi & Mary MugweSchool EducationMount Kenya UniversityP.O. Box 342, 01000, ThikaEmail: princewamwema@gmail.com Abstract: In Kenya, school development planning for public schools involves determining school needs, prioritizing school needs, preparing action plans, implementing and monitoring the plans. Specifically, public schools in Mbeere – North subcounty have always adopted strategic plans as directed by the…

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Relevance of School Leadership and Planning Strategies in Performance of Secondary Schools in Co-Curricular Activities in Malindi Sub- County, Kenya

Relevance of School Leadership and Planning Strategies in Performance of Secondary Schools in Co-Curricular Activities in Malindi Sub- County, Kenya

Agnes Manyasa Were and Dr. Mary MugweDepartment of Educational Management and Curriculum Studies,Mount Kenya University, KenyaEmail: agnesmanyasa84@gmail.com Abstract: Education systems have gradually adopted partial methods of imparting knowledge to learners by focusing on Academic performance and neglecting the co-curricular. However, there are some schools that have supported the co – curricular activities and consequently have…

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