Tag: Retention

Investigating Strategies for Church Members’ Retention: The Case of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the North-West Rwanda Field

Investigating Strategies for Church Members’ Retention: The Case of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the North-West Rwanda Field

Mutuyimana NkundakozeraPresident North-West Rwanda, FieldSchool of Theology Seminary, Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.Email: mutuyimanan@aua.ac.ke https://orcid.org/0009-0006-6579-5846 Abstract: The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) is one of the Christian churches globally founded on making discipleship for Jesus Christ. This makes it experience the numerical growth of new church members. This is attributed to its numerous discipleship programs…

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Influence of Periodic Mobility of Nomadic Pastoralist Parents on Retention of Early Years Learners’ Education in Turkana East Sub County, Kenya

Influence of Periodic Mobility of Nomadic Pastoralist Parents on Retention of Early Years Learners’ Education in Turkana East Sub County, Kenya

Daniel Achia Ekeno, Esther Bitok & Audrey MatereKisii University, KenyaEmail: achiadan85@gmail.com Abstract: Completion of education involves access and retention of the learner in an institution of learning. However, retention challenges pose a great drawback. This paper assesses the influence of periodic mobility of nomadic pastoralist parents on the retention of early year’s learner education. The…

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The relationship between Parents’ Education Background and Retention of Pupils in Schools in Namutumba Sub County, Namutumba District, Uganda

The relationship between Parents’ Education Background and Retention of Pupils in Schools in Namutumba Sub County, Namutumba District, Uganda

Balikowa Ivan & Lutaro AbasTeam University, UgandaEmail: balikowaivan97@gmail.com Abstract: The study evaluated the relationship between parents’ education background and retention of pupils in schools in Namutumba District. This study adopted a descriptive design with mixed methods. The descriptive design was assigned scores to individual study variables. The total sample size for the study was teachers,…

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Investigation on Learning Activities and School Environment Factors Influencing Learning Retention in Public Pre-Schools in Belgut Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya

Investigation on Learning Activities and School Environment Factors Influencing Learning Retention in Public Pre-Schools in Belgut Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya

Sally C. Tanui, Dr.Areba N. George & Dr.Neliah Moige Kisii University Email: narebag@gmail.com Received December 31, 2020; Revised March 29, Accepted March 31, 2020 Abstract: Pre-school education is fundamental in providing foundation for learning. In the recent years, there has been noted decline trend nationally in the transition of learners from Early Years of Education…

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