Tag: Primary School

Influence of Structured Classroom Debates on Proficiency of English Language among Pupils in Selected Public Primary Schools in Mayuge District, Uganda

Influence of Structured Classroom Debates on Proficiency of English Language among Pupils in Selected Public Primary Schools in Mayuge District, Uganda

Stella Amulen & Joseph MuyungaSchool of Graduate Studies, Kampala UniversityEmail: amulenstella4@gmail.com Abstract: The study sought to establish the influence of structured classroom debates on the proficiency of the English language among pupils in selected public primary schools in Mayuge District. A cross-sectional design was used to conduct a study about debate and proficiency in English.…

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Influence of School Feeding Program on Enrollment of Pupils in Primary Schools in Kaliro District

Influence of School Feeding Program on Enrollment of Pupils in Primary Schools in Kaliro District

Kigwana Harriet and Dr. Twalibu J. NzanzuSchool of Graduate Studies and Research, Team UniversityEmail: harrietkigwana2022@gmail.com Abstract: The study assessed the effectiveness of school feeding programs on enrollment of pupils in primary schools in Kaliro District. The descriptive design was used to determine scores for individual items in the school feeding program, while the correlational design…

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Implementation of the Primary School Curriculum to Enhance Education for Life in Iganga District

Implementation of the Primary School Curriculum to Enhance Education for Life in Iganga District

*Sylvanus Twinomugisha Rwobusiisi – Kyambogo University, Uganda, Dr. Waiswa Mark Micheal – Kyambogo University, Uganda & Isiko Muhammed – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya *Corresponding author: stwinomugisharwobusiisi@gmail.com Received May 14, 2020; Revised March 9, 2021; Accepted March 10, 2021 Abstract: The study investigated how teachers of primary schools implement the curriculum to enhance education for…

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