Tag: Play

Public Pre-Primary School Teachers’ Use of Play as a Classroom Teaching Strategy: A Case of Bunyala, Busia County, Kenya

Public Pre-Primary School Teachers’ Use of Play as a Classroom Teaching Strategy: A Case of Bunyala, Busia County, Kenya

Zachary A. Okello – Mount Kenya University, KenyaDr. Josephine Kirimi – Mount Kenya University, KenyaDr. Hudson Ouko Ong’ang’a – Kenyatta University, KenyaCorresponding Author: zacharyokello06@gmail.com Abstract: Learner’s classroom participation can be gauged by; confidence levels turn-taking, numeracy skills, manipulative competencies and task completion. However, over time, adequate inculcation of play as a strategy in early childhood…

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Determining Teacher Attitude in Utilization of Play in Teaching in ECDE Centres in Nyamira County, Kenya

Determining Teacher Attitude in Utilization of Play in Teaching in ECDE Centres in Nyamira County, Kenya

Ongera Nancy, Dr. Enock Obuba & Dr. Eliud NyakundiKisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: ongeran1@gmail.com Received September 24, 2020; Revised September 29, 2020; Accepted September 30, 2020 Abstract: This study purposed to examine teacher attitude towards utilization of play in teaching at ECDE centres in Nyamira County. ECDE aims at providing learning for developing a kid’s mental…

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