Physics – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Mon, 28 Oct 2024 06:06:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Physics – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 Influence of English Language Usage on Students’ Academic Performance in Physics in Public Secondary Schools in Rwanda. A Case of Gakenke District Mon, 28 Oct 2024 06:03:53 +0000 Read More Read More

Daniel Tuyishime & Hesbon O. Andala
Mount Kenya University

Abstract: This study investigates the influence of English language usage on students’ academic performance in Physics at public secondary schools in Gakenke District, Rwanda. The specific objectives include assessing students’ academic performance in Physics and examining the relationship between English proficiency and Physics performance in these schools. A descriptive research design employing both quantitative and qualitative methods was utilized, with questionnaires as the primary data collection tool. The target population comprised 1,839 individuals, including 138 administrators, 223 teachers, and 1,478 students from public secondary schools in Gakenke District. A sample of 329 participants was selected using simple random sampling for teachers and students, and purposive sampling for administrators. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 21 and Microsoft Excel, applying descriptive statistics. Results indicated that 67.8% of respondents disagreed that English was frequently used in classes, and 66.7% felt students lacked strong English skills. Additionally, 91.8% of students expressed dissatisfaction with their academic performance in Physics, while 70.2% reported low engagement in hands-on experiments. Correlation analysis revealed a significant correlation between English language usage and students’ academic performance in Physics (r=0.721, p=0.000). The findings suggest a decline in Physics performance linked to insufficient English language proficiency. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education develop and implement policies that prioritize English language proficiency as a key component of the national curriculum, particularly in science subjects. This includes providing resources and training for teachers to effectively integrate English language instruction into their teaching of Physics and other subjects, ensuring that students are well-equipped to succeed academically in an English-speaking environment.

Comparing Traditional Teaching Methods Versus Computer Simulations on students’ performance in Learning Ohm’s Law at Dodoma City Secondary Schools, Tanzania Fri, 06 Sep 2024 04:44:04 +0000 Read More Read More


Erasto Daniel, Zawadi Richard Juma & Joseph Kyobe
St John’s University of Tanzania

Abstract: Physics educators have long grappled with the challenge of poor students’ performance. The reason behind poor performance is due to the complexity of physics subject which makes most of students performing poorly especially in Tanzania. Different approaches have been used to improve performance this include computer simulation. Computer simulations have become increasingly essential in global education, particularly in the realm of science instruction. In this regard, this paper compares the effectiveness of using computer simulations in relation to traditional methods as a teaching method for improving students’ performance in learning the concepts of Ohm’s law. The research involved a total of 120 students from three selected secondary schools in Dodoma city council, with forty (40) students from each school. The study employed pre-testing and post-testing methods, administered before and after implementing computer simulation interventions. The results demonstrated a significant increase in students’ performance scores following computer simulation-based instruction at p value of 0.000 which is less than threshold of 0.05. Furthermore, the dispersion of test scores revealed that computer simulation-based teaching led to lower score variations compared to traditional methods, with minimum scores showing improvement from 0% to 20%. Statistical analysis confirmed the significant differences between the two teaching methods, reinforcing the conclusion that computer simulations have the potential to significantly enhance students’ performance and comprehension of Ohm’s law. Study emphasized the importance of incorporating innovative teaching tools like computer simulations to improve the learning outcomes of physics students.

Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Computer Simulations in Teaching and Learning Ohm’s Law in Physics in Dodoma Secondary Schools, Tanzania Mon, 06 Nov 2023 09:28:06 +0000 Read More Read More

Erasto Daniel & Zawadi Richard Juma
Education Department
St John’s University of Tanzania

Abstract: Computer simulations (CS) are widely used in the field of education as a modern-era method of teaching and learning, but for effective implementation, the main users have to be aware and positive of their capabilities and challenges. This paper explored the perceptions of teachers and students towards the use of CS in teaching and learning Ohm’s law in physics subjects in Dodoma secondary schools. The exploration employed a mixed-method approach that integrated both the qualitative and quantitative aspects in writing, presenting, analysing, and interpreting the findings of the computer simulation developed for enhancing students’ teaching and learning of Ohm’s law in physics. Data was gathered using 120 questionnaires and 18 interviews with students and teachers, respectively, for a total of 138 participants. Collected data was analysed descriptively. The findings from this study provide a compelling insight into the overwhelmingly positive perception held by both students and teachers regarding the integration of computer simulations in teaching Ohm’s Law. The results strongly underscored the constructive impact of computer simulations on the teaching and learning experience. Among the noteworthy findings, it became evident that computer simulations were regarded as catalysts for increased student interaction. In conclusion, the study’s findings underscore the positive perceptions of both teachers and students regarding the use of CS in teaching Ohm’s law. The study’s recommendations emphasise the importance of promoting gender equity in science education and integrating visual aids, like CS, to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning experiences.

Impact of Using Physics Education Technology (PhET) Simulations on Improving Students’ Performance in Electrostatics Wed, 01 Feb 2023 08:17:26 +0000 Read More Read More

Uwambajimana Sylvere and Evariste Minani
African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS), College of Education, University of Rwanda

Abstract: This study aimed at assessing the impact of using Physics Education Technology (PhET) simulation to improve students’ performance in electrostatics. A quasi-experimental design under quantitative methods was used. Electrostatics Achievement Test (Pre-test and post-test) were used to collect data. Four schools of the Muhanga district were selected purposively based on the presence of computer laboratories with 176 students from senior two. Two schools were used as the control group and the remaining two schools were used as the experimental group. Each group was composed of 88 students. The data were analyzed descriptively using an independent t-test to compare the mean for the experimental group and control group and paired t-test. Independent sample t-test results indicated that there was no significant difference in the mean score for the pre-test for both the control and experimental group (p>0.05). The results further show that there was a significant difference between the mean score for students of the experimental group and the control group after the intervention (p<0.05). These results showed that the use of PhET simulation has an improvement on students’ performance in electrostatics for students taught using PhET simulations. The study recommends physics teachers use PhET simulation to teach abstract concepts like electrostatics to improve students’ performance. Further, they should create an environment where the students can learn difficult concepts with a help of PhET simulation to motivate and engage the students for better performance in electrostatics.

Challenges Faced by Physics Teachers During the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum in Rwanda Wed, 31 Aug 2022 14:03:54 +0000 Read More Read More

Peter Gapfizi, Ephrem Shaban Mbarute, Liberatha Masengesho, Prof. Jean Uwamahoro
University of Rwanda College of Education (UR-CE), African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)
Department of Mathematics, Science and Physical Education, University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE)

Abstract: In 2015, Rwanda changed the Education system from a knowledge-based curriculum to a competency-based curriculum. This study aimed to analyze the challenges faced by physics teachers during the implementation of the competence-based curriculum. It was a quantitative research design. Questionnaires were used to collect data. 25 physics teachers have purposefully sampled in the Ngoma district located in the eastern province of Rwanda. Data were analyzed in terms of percentage using SPSS version 20. The findings of this study have shown that physics teachers encountered several challenges. 60% of the participants agreed that the calendar and wide the curriculum are a challenge for them to care about the learners’ problems, 56% of the participants did not have official training on CBC, 60% of the participants agreed that the number of the students in a classroom did not allow them to use group discussion in their teaching and learning process, 56% of the participants have said that textbooks and other teaching materials are not enough available for learners to make research on their own. The researcher recommended the Ministry of Education in Rwanda, the Rwanda Education Board (REB), and other educational partners that they must find a solution to reducing the number of students, train newly employed teachers, and look for enough teaching materials for the successful implementation of Competence- Based Curriculum.

Exploring the Impact of Project-Based Learning on the Students’ Attitudes towards Physics in Mbale District, Uganda Thu, 30 Jun 2022 16:54:27 +0000 Read More Read More

Robert Wakumire – College of Education (UR-CE)
Dr. Pheneas Nkundabakura – Department of Physics
Abraham Daniel Mollel – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science University of Rwanda
Cissy Nazziwa – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science University of Rwanda

Abstract: This study explored the influence of project-based learning (PBL) on students’ attitudes towards physics. The participants were fifty 10th-grade students from a purposively selected school in Mbale district, Eastern Uganda. Participants were randomly distributed to the experimental and control groups using cluster sampling. A mixed-method research approach was adopted. The pretest-posttest non-equivalent quasi-experimental design was used. The experimental group used the PBL approach, while the comparison group followed the conventional approach. An attitudes questionnaire with six items and focus group interview prompts were data collection tools. The survey test was validated by experts and piloted (α= 0.82). Data were analyzed using the independent samples t-tests, and effect size. Findings revealed a significant difference in the average scores of students’ attitudes towards physics in favor of the experimental group. Therefore, the study recommends that science educators should adopt PBL to improve students’ attitudes towards science and physics in particular.

Effects of Using Computer Simulations on Learners’ Academic Achievement in Physics in Secondary Schools in Ainamoi Sub-County, Kericho County Wed, 25 Mar 2020 09:42:01 +0000 Read More Read More

Alex K. Chumba, Dr. Ezekiel N. Omwenga & Dr. Grace Atemi – Kisii University

Received March 19, 2020; Reviewed March 21, 2020; Accepted March 22, 2020

Abstract: This research was aimed at finding out the effect of use of computer simulations on academic achievement of form two learners in physics in Ainamoi Sub-County in Kericho County. The overall students’ performance in physics nationally and in Ainamoi Sub-county at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination level remained low over the past years. The research objectives were to determine: the effect of using computer simulation on attitude of the experimental groups towards computer simulated Physics lessons, and the difference between academic achievement of the control group and the experimental group in Physics after treatment. The study applied Quasi-Experimental Design involving Solomon-(Four) Non-Equivalent Control Group approach. Study sample consisted of 200 Form two students and 4 Physics teachers from 4 mixed day Schools sampled purposively. Data was collected using a Standardized Physics Achievement Test (SPAT)and Student Questionnaire on Attitudes towards Computer Simulated Physics Lesson Scale (ATCSPLS). The experimental groups were taught Magnetic Effect of an Electric Current using computer simulations. The two control groups on the other hand were taught the same content using conventional methods of instruction. Findings indicated that there was a statistically significant relationship between use of computer simulations and attitude towards Physics lessons (r=0.560, p=0.000). The study revealed that there was a statistically significant difference in academic achievement between the control and experimental groups (t= -7.531, df=193.338, p=0.000). It was recommended that learning should integrate computer simulations in Physics subject since they enhance positive attitude in learners and also high academic achievement.
