Tag: Performance

The Efficacy of Performance Contract Target Setting on Innovations in Public Technical Universities in Kenya

The Efficacy of Performance Contract Target Setting on Innovations in Public Technical Universities in Kenya

Opiayo Peter Mabubi – PhD Student. Kisii University, Kenya. Email: pmabubi@gmail.comDr. Areba George Ngwacho – Department of Education Administration, Planning and Economics, Kisii University.Dr. Nyakundi Eliud – Department of Education Administration, Planning and Economics, Kisii University.Corresponding author Email: gareba@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke Received April 26, 2020; Revised September 5, 2020; Accepted October 6, 2020 Abstract: Over enrolment and…

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The Impact of Geography Instructional Resources on Learning: Case of Geography Students in Selected Public Schools of Kayonza District, Rwanda

The Impact of Geography Instructional Resources on Learning: Case of Geography Students in Selected Public Schools of Kayonza District, Rwanda

John K. Mugisha College of Education, University of RwandaEmail: mugishajohn64@gmail.com Received July 25, 2020; Revised August 25, Accepted September 10, 2020 Abstract: The use of instructional resources and their impact on students’ performance have been widely research. But the way these instructional resources impact the learning of geography students especially in low income countries like…

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An Assessment of the Impact of Extensive Novel Reading on Performance in English Language at Secondary School Level in Gweru District, Zimbabwe: An Action Research

An Assessment of the Impact of Extensive Novel Reading on Performance in English Language at Secondary School Level in Gweru District, Zimbabwe: An Action Research

Dr. Alice Dhliwayo Lecturer, Languages and Communication Department, Solusi University, ZimbabweEmail: dhliwayoam@gmail.com Received April 12, 2020; Revised July 14, 2020; Accepted July 17, 2020 Abstract: Passing English at Ordinary level in Zimbabwe is still a prerequisite into any further studies that learners may want to do. Many educationists in Zimbabwe are worried at the low…

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Pillars to Effective Performance of Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs) in Eastern Uganda

Pillars to Effective Performance of Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs) in Eastern Uganda

Muwanguzi David Gangu, Dr. Otieno George Ochieng, Dr. Keneth Rucha Kibaara & Prof. John Francis Mugisha. Department of Health Management and Informatics, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Corresponding author: davidmuwanguzi@yahoo.com Received May 15, 2019; Revised August 8, 2019; Accepted August 15, 2019 Abstract: This paper presents the pillars of effective performance of Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs)…

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Training of Health Units Management Committees (HUMCs) and Performance of Health Centers in Eastern Uganda

Training of Health Units Management Committees (HUMCs) and Performance of Health Centers in Eastern Uganda

Muwanguzi David Gangu, Dr. Otieno George Ochieng, Dr. Keneth Rucha Kibaara, Prof. John Francis Mugisha, Muluya Khalim Mwebaza Department of Health Management and Informatics, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Corresponding author: davidmuwanguzi@yahoo.com Received May 14, 2019; Revised July 28, 2019; Accepted August 14, 2019 Abstract: Community participation has been emphasized internationally as a way of enhancing accountability,…

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Perception of Teachers on Challenges Facing the Use of English as Medium of Instruction in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case of Karatu District, Tanzania

Perception of Teachers on Challenges Facing the Use of English as Medium of Instruction in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case of Karatu District, Tanzania

Naisujaki Sephania Lyimo, PhD* Lecturer, Arusha Technical College, Tanzania and Sophia John Laiser, Lecturer, Tumaini University Makumira, Tanzania *Corresponding author: naiviebe@yahoo.com Received November 29, 2018; Revised December 12, 2018; Accepted December 16, 2018 Abstract: The paper discusses challenges of language of instruction on Students academic performance of Secondary Schools in Karatu District, Tanzania. The study…

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