Tag: Performance

Influence of Guidance and Counseling Services on Teacher’s Job Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha District Council

Influence of Guidance and Counseling Services on Teacher’s Job Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha District Council

Prisca MbeleHeadmistress, Sokon II Secondary SchoolP.O. Box 11790 – Arusha.Email: priscambele14@gmail.comDr. Kennedy Omondi OtienoCoordinator Postgraduate Studies Research & PublicationsSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.P.O. Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.Email: omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the influence of guidance and counseling (G&C) services on teacher’s performance in public secondary schools in Arusha District Council. The…

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Influence of Incentives on Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Longido District, Tanzania

Influence of Incentives on Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Longido District, Tanzania

Nyega MtesigwaHead Master, Namanga Secondary School,P.O. Box 8560–Namanga, Longido District.Email: mtesigwanyega@gmail.comDr. Kennedy Omondi OtienoCoordinator Postgraduate Studies Research & PublicationsSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.P.O. Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.Email: omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: The study assessed the Influence of Incentives on Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Longido District. The study addressed two objectives, namely…

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Teachers’ Deployment from Secondary to Primary Schools and Its Influence on Their Job Performance in Hanang’ District, Tanzania

Teachers’ Deployment from Secondary to Primary Schools and Its Influence on Their Job Performance in Hanang’ District, Tanzania

Raphael ZakariaTeacher; Katesh Secondary School, Hanang’ DistrictP.O. Box 199- Hanang’.Email: zakariaraphael840@gmail.comDr. Kennedy Omondi OtienoCoordinator Postgraduate Studies Research & PublicationsSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.P.O. Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.Email: omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated teachers’ deployment from secondary to primary schools and its influence on their performance in Hanang’ District. The objectives were to;…

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Factors Affecting Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Upper Secondary Schools in Gicumbi District, Rwanda

Factors Affecting Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Upper Secondary Schools in Gicumbi District, Rwanda

Ephrem Shaban Mbarute & Dr. Celestin NtivuguruzwaUniversity of Rwanda College of Education (UR-CE), African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)Email: mbaruteephremshaban@gmail.com Abstract: In spite of the government efforts to promote Mathematics and Science, students’ performance in mathematics in Rwanda has been low in upper secondary schools, especially in three…

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Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation in Public Secondary Schools in Teso-South Sub-County, Kenya

Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation in Public Secondary Schools in Teso-South Sub-County, Kenya

Hezekiah Adwar Othoo – Department of Education Psychology, Management and Policy StudiesAlupe University College, KenyaFoscar Nekesa – School of Education and Social Science, Alupe University College, KenyaEmail: hezruakas@gmail.com Abstract: Teachers’ lack of motivation is thought to have affected negatively student performance in Kenyan secondary schools, particularly those in Teso South Sub County. Different elements, like…

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Do SMASE Training Methodologies get their way into the Classroom? Interrogating the Kenyan Biology Classroom Environment

Do SMASE Training Methodologies get their way into the Classroom? Interrogating the Kenyan Biology Classroom Environment

Dr. Isaac Christopher Odawa ImandaKisii University, Kenya.Email: imanda2020isaac@gmail.com Abstract: Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Education (SMASE) is an In-service Education and Training (INSET) that was initiated to address the perennial poor performance in mathematics and sciences. The INSET aimed at transforming classroom interactions from teacher-centred to learner-centered so as to improve learner academic achievement…

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Assessment of Family Income on Pupil’s Education and Their Academic Performance in Primary School in Arusha City

Assessment of Family Income on Pupil’s Education and Their Academic Performance in Primary School in Arusha City

Zuhura Said Kemanae – Teacher, Unga Limited Primary SchoolDr. Christine Mnjokaya – St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.Email: zuhurakemanae2019@gmail.com/ cmnjokava@yahoo.com Abstract: The study assessed family income on pupil’s education and academic performance in primary school in Arusha City, Tanzania. The objectives of study were to: investigate the effects of family income on pupil’s education…

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Influence of Teaching and Learning Resources on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha District Council, Tanzania

Influence of Teaching and Learning Resources on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha District Council, Tanzania

Wema David Somba Dr. Kennedy Omondi OtienoSt. Augustine University of Tanzania, ArushaEmail: sombawema18@gmail.com Abstract: This study determined the availability of Teaching and Learning Resources (TLR) in public secondary schools and assessed the adequacy of TLR and its influence on students’ performance in public secondary schools in Arusha District Council. The study adopted a convergent parallel…

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Effect of Market Alliance on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

Effect of Market Alliance on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

Charles Nshimiyimana Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business Management The Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania Email: nshimiyimanac@gmail.com Abstract: The intense competition and constantly changing market conditions in modern-day businesses prompt organizations to adopt in order for them to survive. Due to that microfinances are required to become more proactive and innovative to maintain…

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School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

Dr. Gambiza CathrineAtlantic International University, Honululu, Hawaiigambiza0@gmail.com Abstract: The research focused on school factors that contribute to low ZIMSEC performance at Tapiwa Primary School Gweru District in the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. The study sample was composed of (10) participants (5 males and 5 females) it used a Thematic case study research design with a qualitative…

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