Tag: Perception

The Perceptions of the Pre-service Education Students about the Status and Socio-cultural Beliefs about the Teaching Profession

The Perceptions of the Pre-service Education Students about the Status and Socio-cultural Beliefs about the Teaching Profession

Petronila Ndungwa MwangiUniversity of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: mwangip@ueab.ac.ke Abstract: The study sought to explore the perception of pre-service education students on the status and socio-cultural beliefs about the teaching profession in selected public and private universities in Kenya. Correlational research design and a concurrent mixed method approach was employed in this study. The respondents…

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Effect of Gender Perspective towards Performance of Chemistry Education in Secondary School: Case Study of Three Selected Schools of Gicumbi District in North-East of Rwanda

Effect of Gender Perspective towards Performance of Chemistry Education in Secondary School: Case Study of Three Selected Schools of Gicumbi District in North-East of Rwanda

*Evangeline Irakoze, Emmanuel Gakuba & Claude KaregeyaChemistry Education, African Centre of Excellence in Innovative Teaching and learning Mathematics andScience (ACE-ITLMS), College of Education, University of Rwanda, Rwanda*Corresponding author: iraline01@gmail.com Abstract: Providing science education for both girls and boys and emphasizing on their performance, particularly in chemistry, might play a big role in any country development.…

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The Importance of Educational Forum as Perceived by Students from Mataa Location, Mbooni West SubCounty

The Importance of Educational Forum as Perceived by Students from Mataa Location, Mbooni West SubCounty

Lazarus Ndiku Makewa, Lukenya University ndikul@gmail.com Josephine Mbithe Mutie ( Corresponding Author) Teachers Service Commission josephine.mbithe@yahoo.com ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine how students of Mataa location perceive their educational forum when grouped according to: gender, parental support, level of education and Challenges faced. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics to…

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Teachers’ Perception on Advancement of Their Education: Implication on Societal Development Now and Beyond: A Case Study of Kithungo/Kitundu Ward

Teachers’ Perception on Advancement of Their Education: Implication on Societal Development Now and Beyond: A Case Study of Kithungo/Kitundu Ward

Josephine Mbithe Mutie (Corresponding Author) Teachers Service Commission, Kenya josephine.mbithe@yahoo.com Lazarus Ndiku Makewa Lukenya University ndikul@gmail.com ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine how teachers perceive the advancement of their education. The following aspects were considered: Value of education, challenges faced by teachers while advancing their education including and not limited to: Satisfaction…

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