Tag: Peace

An Investigation of Interreligious Dialogue as Path for the Promotion of Peace in the Society According to the Writings of John Paul II

An Investigation of Interreligious Dialogue as Path for the Promotion of Peace in the Society According to the Writings of John Paul II

Nobert Yarshikeh & Dr. Newton KahumbiTanganza University College, KenyaEmail: nobertyarshikeh@gmail.com Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate interreligious dialogue as a path for the promotion of peace in the society as asserted by John Paul II in the World Conference on Religion and Peace. Rising incidents of political, social, and ecologic problems is…

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Refugee Integration Mechanism and the Impact of Income to Peaceful Coexistence in the Osire Refugee Camp in Namibia’s Otjiwarongo District, Namibia

Refugee Integration Mechanism and the Impact of Income to Peaceful Coexistence in the Osire Refugee Camp in Namibia’s Otjiwarongo District, Namibia

Albertus Sheehama, Dr. Mary Joan Iwenofu & Dr. Lawrence Ofunja KangeiCatholic University of Eastern Africa, KenyaEmail: allyalberto95@gmail.com Abstract: Refugee crisis has deep roots and imposes moral-legal concerns as a result` of` numerous injustices that even voluntary return cannot fix. Although there are still gaps in our understanding of integration process as to whether it leads…

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Effects of Political Conflict on Household Livelihood Security in Ntahangwa Commune, Bujumbura Province, Burundi

Effects of Political Conflict on Household Livelihood Security in Ntahangwa Commune, Bujumbura Province, Burundi

Katihabwa Augustin, Dr. Urbanus Mwinzi Ndolo, Mr. Samuel Ndiritu WakanyuaThe Catholic University of Eastern Africa, KenyaEmail: augustinkatihabwa5@gmail.com Received December 8, 2019; Reviewed May 26, 2020; Accepted May 27, 2020 Abstract: Post-independence ethnicity conflict recurs before and after every election in Burundi. The current conflict which started in 2015 is political rather than ethnic in nature.…

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