Tag: Partnership

Stakeholder-Partnership Engagement as a Counter Terrorism Strategy in Wajir County, Kenya

Stakeholder-Partnership Engagement as a Counter Terrorism Strategy in Wajir County, Kenya

Jared Akama Onyari, Pia Okeche, Daniel Kandagor & Godfrey UngayaKisii University, KenyaEmail: onyarijared@gmail.com Abstract: Terrorism continues to threaten the security of many counties in Kenya, mainly those along North Eastern regions, particularly Mandera, Garissa and Wajir counties, who are vulnerable to terrorist strikes. This study examined stakeholder-partnership engagement in countering terrorism in Wajir County, North…

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School Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1- 6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parents’ Education Knowledge Base in English Curriculum Content in Grade group A, B and C

School Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1- 6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parents’ Education Knowledge Base in English Curriculum Content in Grade group A, B and C

Dorcas Mukami GitongaUniversity of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: mukamidorcas1@gmail.com Abstract: This descriptive-correlational study examined whether the level of parental involvement in type 1-6 of Epstein typologies influenced the level of parents’ education knowledge base in English curriculum content. Data was collected from selected Seventh – day Adventist primary schools in Central Kenya Conference. Questionnaires were…

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