Novel- Reading – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Sat, 18 Jul 2020 08:02:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Novel- Reading – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 An Assessment of the Impact of Extensive Novel Reading on Performance in English Language at Secondary School Level in Gweru District, Zimbabwe: An Action Research Sat, 18 Jul 2020 07:57:47 +0000 Read More Read More

Dr. Alice Dhliwayo
Lecturer, Languages and Communication Department, Solusi University, Zimbabwe

Received April 12, 2020; Revised July 14, 2020; Accepted July 17, 2020

Abstract: Passing English at Ordinary level in Zimbabwe is still a prerequisite into any further studies that learners may want to do. Many educationists in Zimbabwe are worried at the low pass rate in English at O’ level. It is a worrying factor that learners get to form three unable to read fluently with comprehension, considering that they would have spent eleven years in school whose classroom activities are based on reading and writing. This Action Research carried out at classroom level with form three learners at one high school in Gweru, Zimbabwe, assessed the impact of intensive novel reading on performance in English comprehension to combat failure rate of English Language at Ordinary Level in Gweru District, Zimbabwe. The study used descriptive statistics, paired-sample t-test and one-way ANOVA to analyze data. The study found out that Intensive Novel Reading significantly improved performance in English comprehension. Findings showed that there was no interaction of gender and method. It is recommended that intensive novel reading be employed with learners who are poor performers in English comprehension. The method should be tested on other aspects of English language teaching.
