Motivation – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Thu, 08 Feb 2024 05:40:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Motivation – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 The Influence of School Heads’ Motivation Strategies on Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha Region, Tanzania Thu, 08 Feb 2024 05:38:51 +0000 Read More Read More

Christine Elisante Mnjokava
St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.

Abstract: This study investigated the influence of school heads’ motivation strategies on teachers’ performance in public secondary schools in Arusha Region, Tanzania. Objectives were to; assess the status of teachers’ performance in public secondary schools and determine the influence of school heads’ motivation strategies on teachers’ performance in public secondary schools in Arusha Region. Motivation management and Walberg’s achievement theories guided the study. Mixed methods approach and concurrent triangulation research design were adopted. Questionnaires and an interview guide were used to collect data from 88 teachers and 8 school heads. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select teachers while school heads were purposively sampled. Validity was established through expert judgment. The reliability index, TQ; r=0.78for questionnaire was obtained using Split Half method. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferentially using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis in the SPSS version 23. Results were presented in tables. Qualitative data were thematically analyzed alongside research questions and presented in narrative forms. Findings established that many teachers were not able to cover syllabus in time which occasioned low CSEE performance, partly attributed to inadequate motivation strategies adopted by school heads. In conclusion, any form of motivation plays an important role in improving teachers’ timely syllabus coverage and improved students’ academic performance. The study recommends that school heads should create new strategies for motivating teaching staff to boost their morale. Education stakeholders should provide funds to provide conducive working environment through comfortable accommodation, accessible healthcare services and security.

Employees Motivation and Financial Performance of Hotel Business in Rwanda: A case Study of Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club Thu, 25 May 2023 06:42:06 +0000 Read More Read More

William Mudahemuka – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda
Emmanuel Kasaija – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda
Reginald Octave Muhoza – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda
Sesay Osman Ibrahim – Rudolph Kwanue University, Liberia

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of employee motivation on financial performance of hotel business in Rwanda with a case of Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club. The following specific objectives guided the study: To identify the different types of employee motivation, to find out the contribution of employee motivation to the financial performance, to determine the challenges facing employee motivation at Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club. The study sample size was 39. The questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect primary data. The results indicated the major type of employee motivation used by Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club was an improved working environment with a rate of 26%. The findings also revealed that Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club maintains employee motivation by increasing employee performance leading to the contribution of financial performance at a rate of 36%. Finally, the findings showed that 33.3% of the respondents answered that poor understanding of the motivations behind repeat bookings as a major challenge facing employee motivation at Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club. In conclusion, employee motivation contributes to the financial performance of hotel businesses. The researcher recommends that Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club should hire more trained and motivated employees. by improving the work environment and having motivated employees who are familiar with assigned tasks, could increase employee performance and contribute to the finance performance. This would ensure that the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization are enhanced.

Instructional Factors Behind Teacher Training Colleges Students’ Low Motivation of Learning Mathematics in Language Education Option Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:37:19 +0000 Read More Read More

Servilien Bimenyimana & Alphonse Uworwabayeho
University of Rwanda, College of Education, African Center of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and
Learning Mathematics and Science

Abstract: The present study argues that instructional factors are key determinant for teacher training colleges (TTCs) students’ low motivation of learning mathematics in language education option. Findings are drawn from a large study that investigated factors behind the low motivation of TTC students in learning mathematics as a subsidiary subject. The research was informed by learning theories which affirm that what is learned depends on one’s prior knowledge, on the social context for learning, and on the connections between what is being learned and the real world. Through a questionnaire and classroom observation in two teacher training colleges (TTCs), qualitative data were collected from 34 participants and analyzed using thematic approach. The theme of this study was created based on literature review and findings from respondents. The results of the study revealed that teaching strategies and teaching resources take over the mathematics content to explain the low motivation of students in language education option. Therefore, the study recommends mathematics tutors in TTCs to put more effort in using teaching and learning materials to enhance learner-centered teaching approaches.

Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation in Public Secondary Schools in Teso-South Sub-County, Kenya Tue, 31 May 2022 07:24:44 +0000 Read More Read More

Hezekiah Adwar Othoo – Department of Education Psychology, Management and Policy Studies
Alupe University College, Kenya
Foscar Nekesa – School of Education and Social Science, Alupe University College, Kenya

Abstract: Teachers’ lack of motivation is thought to have affected negatively student performance in Kenyan secondary schools, particularly those in Teso South Sub County. Different elements, like work environment and teacher rewards, are thought to influence lack of teacher motivation. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting teacher’s motivation in public secondary schools in Teso South Sub-County. The study focused on the influence of job satisfaction on teacher motivation and the effect of reward system on teacher motivation. Descriptive research design was used. Prior to the study, content validity was determined by incorporating the opinions of content expert, and reliability was determined by testing and retesting, yielding a correlation of 0.8. The study targeted the school principals and teachers. A total of 31 respondents participated in the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data from both teachers and the principal. Data collected quantitatively was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages. The study found out that most teachers (64.52%) were satisfied with their jobs, most teachers would seek promotional opportunity elsewhere (32.23%). The study also found out that most of the respondents were satisfied with their current pay (67.74%) teachers are promoted on the basis of their qualifications and performance (38.71%). The study recommends that schools should ensure that school environment is conducive for teachers to ensure that they are fully satisfied with their job. The study also recommended that teachers should be remunerated and recommended for promotions based on their performance and qualifications.

Teachers’ Motivation and Job Satisfaction: An Analysis of Government Aided Secondary Schools in Kasese Municipality, Uganda Sat, 25 May 2019 06:47:28 +0000 Read More Read More

*Esau Murongo and Charles Nzaghale Rwenzori International University, Uganda
*Corresponding author:

Received December 23, 2018; Accepted May 23, 2019

Abstract: The study was about establishing the contribution of teachers’ motivation on job satisfaction in government schools of Kasese Municipality, Uganda. The study objectives were; to examine the contribution of staff development on teachers’ job satisfaction, to assess the contribution of pay on teachers’ job satisfaction and to establish the contribution of rewards on teachers’ job satisfaction. 81 respondents were used in the study. Both convenience and purposive sampling were used. Questionnaire survey and interviews were used as data collection methods. It was found out that staff development is an important aspect in terms of job satisfaction where 84% agreed. 80.2% agreed that pay leads to job satisfaction, and 85.2% agreed that rewards lead to teachers’ job satisfaction. The study recommended that Kasese Municipality through the Municipal Education officer should be organizing for refresher courses and capacity building training workshops once annually to induce teachers to perform better, government of Uganda through the relevant Ministry should ensure that teachers are paid according to their qualifications and that teachers should always be rewarded by recognizing the best teacher of the term.
