Tag: Mission.

Expression of Leadership Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Objectives in Academic Institution Development Practices

Expression of Leadership Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Objectives in Academic Institution Development Practices

Honest John KipasikaInstitute of Adult Education, Morogoro Campus, TanzaniaEmail: kipasikah@gmail.com Abstract: Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping the direction and culture of academic institutions, particularly in articulating and embodying elements such as mission, vision, values, and strategic objectives. This paper explores the understanding and recognition of these organizational elements among staff categories within an…

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Role of Sacred Drama in the Spiritual Transformation among Youth of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria

Role of Sacred Drama in the Spiritual Transformation among Youth of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria

Henry Iorfa Ugese, Dr. Florence Kabala & Dr. Daniel M. Kitonga Institute Of Spirituality and Religious Formation, Tangaza University College The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Corresponding author: 1732csssr@gmail.com Abstract: In the context of prevalent pentecostalism, secularism and the new age culture there has been a shift on the role of sacred arts and religion…

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