Tag: Mathematics

Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1-6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parental Education Knowledge Base in Mathematics Curriculum Content

Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1-6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parental Education Knowledge Base in Mathematics Curriculum Content

Dorcas Mukami GitongaUniversity of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: Mukamigitonga1@gmail.com Abstract: This descriptive-correlational study examined whether the level of parental involvement in type 1-6 of Epstein typologies influenced the level of parents’ education knowledge base in Mathematics curriculum content. Data was collected from selected Seventh – day Adventist primary schools in Central Kenya Conference. Questionnaires were…

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Effects of Classroom Seating Arrangement on the Academic Performance in Mathematics of Students in Public Day Schools in Musanze District, Rwanda

Effects of Classroom Seating Arrangement on the Academic Performance in Mathematics of Students in Public Day Schools in Musanze District, Rwanda

Emmanuel ByiringiroEducation DepartmentMount Kenya UniversityEmail: byiremmy@gmail.com Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the impact of classroom seating arrangements on the academic performance of students in the subject of Mathematics in public day schools in Rwanda, focusing on Musanze district. The study employed a descriptive research design, utilizing a mixed methods approach that incorporates both quantitative…

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Investigating TVET Level Three Students’ Misconceptions Affecting Performance in Trigonometry: A Case of Kicukiro District, Rwanda

Investigating TVET Level Three Students’ Misconceptions Affecting Performance in Trigonometry: A Case of Kicukiro District, Rwanda

Viateur Nizeyimana, Védaste Mutarutinya, Servilien Bimenyimana & Alphonse HabumuremyiAfrican Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and ScienceUniversity of Rwanda – College of Education, RwandaEmail: nizevia@gmail.com Abstract: This study sought out to investigate level three students’ misconceptions affecting performance in trigonometry in two selected schools of Kicukiro District. The target population was 386…

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Accessing the Use of Instructional Materials on the Learner’s Academic Performance in Mathematics: A Case of Selected Ordinary Level Secondary Schools of Musanze District, Rwanda

Accessing the Use of Instructional Materials on the Learner’s Academic Performance in Mathematics: A Case of Selected Ordinary Level Secondary Schools of Musanze District, Rwanda

Marie Claudine Uwitatse – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science, University of Rwanda, College of Education.Onesme Niyibizi – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science, University of Rwanda, College of Education.Védaste Mutarutinya – University of Rwanda, College of Education Email: uwitatsem@gmail.com Abstract: This study…

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The Influence of Learner Support on Performance in Mathematics’ Modules of Open Distance and e-Learning (ODEL) for in – Service Secondary School Teachers at University of Rwanda, College of Education

The Influence of Learner Support on Performance in Mathematics’ Modules of Open Distance and e-Learning (ODEL) for in – Service Secondary School Teachers at University of Rwanda, College of Education

Habumuremyi Alphonse, Nzabalirwa Wenceslas, Nduwingoma MathiasUniversity of Rwanda, College of Education, African Center of Excellence for Innovative Teaching andLearning Mathematics and ScienceEmail: habumuremyialpha@gmail.com/ wnzabalirwa@gmail.com/ mnduwingoma2001@gmail.com Abstract: The present study argues that there is a great relationship between the learning support and the performance of mathematics of ODeL level one students. The findings of this study…

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Impact of ICT Integration on Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Public Upper Secondary Schools in Huye District, Rwanda

Impact of ICT Integration on Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Public Upper Secondary Schools in Huye District, Rwanda

Josias Nteziryimana – University of Rwanda, College of Education (UR-CE), African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)Email: nteziryimanajosias@gmail.comJaphet Niyobuhungiro – Rwanda National Council for Science and Technology (NCST)Email: japhetniyo@gmail.com Abstract: This study aimed to analyze ‘‘Impact of ICT integration on students’ performance in Mathematics in public upper secondary schools…

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Impact of Gender Differences on Students’ Performance in Mathematics within Selected Secondary Schools of Gicumbi District, Rwanda

Impact of Gender Differences on Students’ Performance in Mathematics within Selected Secondary Schools of Gicumbi District, Rwanda

Patience Muhawenimana – Centre of Excellence in Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACE-ITLMS), College of Education, University of Rwanda, Rwanda.Vedaste Mutarutinya – College of Education, University of Rwanda, RwandaEmail: patiencemuhawenimana99@gmail.com/mutavedik@gmail.com Abstract: The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of gender differences on students’ performance in mathematics in secondary schools…

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Lecturers’ and Students’ Experiences about Using MOODLE in Mathematics Modules during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lecturers’ and Students’ Experiences about Using MOODLE in Mathematics Modules during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amina Urwibutso – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)Alphonse Uworwabayeho – University of Rwanda-College of EducationInnocent Muhire – University of Rwanda-College of EducationEmail: urwibutsoamina@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated lecturers’ and students’ experiences in using Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) in mathematics modules during the COVID-19 pandemic at…

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Assessment of the Shortage of Science and Mathematics Teachers and Its Effects on Secondary Education in Karatu District

Assessment of the Shortage of Science and Mathematics Teachers and Its Effects on Secondary Education in Karatu District

Robert John SijaonaDistrict Secondary Academic Officer,P.O Box 190- Karatu. District.Email: sijaonarobert1@gmail.com Paul Raphael KitulaSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.P.O Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.Email: kitula07@gmail.com Abstract: This study assessed the shortage of science and mathematics teachers and its effects on secondary education in Karatu District. The objectives of this study were to: determine the…

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Implementation of Learner-Centered Strategies in Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Rwandan Secondary Schools of Rulindo District: Challenges and Achievements

Implementation of Learner-Centered Strategies in Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Rwandan Secondary Schools of Rulindo District: Challenges and Achievements

Eric Cyiza – University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE); African Center of Excellent for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)Dr. Jean Francois Maniraho – Lecturer at University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE)- Rwanda. Email: cericcyiza1@gmail.com Abstract: Recently, the use of learner centered pedagogy was adopted to improve the teaching and learning process. However,…

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