Tag: Marital Satisfaction

Influence of Pre-Marital Counseling Targeting Self- Disclosure on Marital Satisfaction among Married Couples in Pentecostal Churches in Turbo Sub County, Kenya

Influence of Pre-Marital Counseling Targeting Self- Disclosure on Marital Satisfaction among Married Couples in Pentecostal Churches in Turbo Sub County, Kenya

Lucy Gichuri, Amos Magut & Catherine NgukuDepartment of Psychology, Kisii UniversityEmail: gichurilucy68@gmail.com Abstract: In Pentecostal churches in Turbo, there are indicators that many couples lack affection to each other and this led to strained relationships resulting to separation or divorce. This could be a pointer to inadequacy in pre-marital counselling programmes. The aim of the…

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