Knowledge – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Thu, 05 Sep 2024 05:42:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Knowledge – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 Basic Information and Communication Technology and Its Influence on Students’ Application of Knowledge Acquired in Private Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania Thu, 05 Sep 2024 05:36:56 +0000 Read More Read More

Rehema L. Samu
Kijenge Primary School, Arusha.

Kennedy Omondi Otieno PhD
St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.

Abstract: This study assessed the basic Information and Communication Technology and its Influence on students’ application of knowledge acquired in private secondary schools. Objectives were to: determine the extent to which basic ICT influences students’ application of knowledge acquired in private secondary schools and investigate strategies to improve basic ICT to enhance students’ application of knowledge acquired in private secondary schools. Technology Acceptance Model guided the study. Convergent mixed methods design was adopted. Target population was 1,139 in 28 private secondary schools teaching ICT. Sample size consisted of 125(106 students, 11 teachers & 8 school heads). Students were obtained through stratified & simple random sampling techniques while teachers & school heads were purposively sampled. Questionnaires and interview guide assisted in data collection. Validity was established through expert judgment whereas reliability index, (SQ; r=0.722 & TQ; r=0.690) was determined using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. Credibility of qualitative data was established through detailed reporting of the research process. Results for quantitative data analysed using descriptive statistics in the SPSS version 25 were presented in tables, while qualitative data were analysed thematically and presented in narrative forms. The findings reveal that computer skills enable students to access a wide range of educational resources online, enhancing their learning opportunities. In conclusion, increased access to computers is associated with improved academic performance, particularly in subjects that benefit from computer-assisted learning tools. The study recommends that schools should allocate sufficient budget for purchasing and maintaining an adequate number of computers to ensure all students have regular access.

Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1-6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parental Education Knowledge Base in Mathematics Curriculum Content Sun, 14 Jan 2024 06:56:31 +0000 Read More Read More

Dorcas Mukami Gitonga
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya

Abstract: This descriptive-correlational study examined whether the level of parental involvement in type 1-6 of Epstein typologies influenced the level of parents’ education knowledge base in Mathematics curriculum content. Data was collected from selected Seventh – day Adventist primary schools in Central Kenya Conference. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 291 parents. The study suggests that there is a significant relationship between the level of parental involvement in the parenting typology and the level of parents’ education knowledge base in Mathematics curriculum content in grade group A, parenting typology was the best predictor for the level of parents’ education knowledge base in Mathematics curriculum content in grade group A, learning at home typology was the best predictor for Mathematics curriculum content in grade group B and decision-making typology was the best predictor for mathematics curriculum content in grade group C. The study recommended that parents, teachers and communities manifest themselves into cultivating partnerships to enable all stakeholders to participate in decision making, which will empower the learner to sail through learning process.

Influence of Menstrual Hygiene Management Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices and School Attendance among Girls in Public Primary Schools in Kisumu West Sub- County, Kisumu County, Kenya Tue, 25 Jul 2023 13:18:55 +0000 Read More Read More

Pamela Akech Ombogo, Peter Gutwa Oino, Callen Nyamwange, & Lumayo Mildred
Department of Sociology, Gender and Development Studies, Kisii University

Abstract: School based comprehensive sexuality education that addresses Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) knowledge practices – including hygiene practices and management of menstrual pain may be an avenue for addressing both poor MHM practices and absenteeism, if they are locally adapted and practiced. Inadequate knowledge, lack of access to quality sanitary materials, cultural beliefs and taboos around menstruation and MHM, are common challenges that can negatively affect Education, Employment, Health and psychosocial outcomes. The study aimed at examining Menstrual Hygiene Management Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in public primary schools in public Primary schools in Kisumu west sub-county. The respondents consisted of class 6-8 girls, teachers, Head teachers, and MoE officials who were key informants for the study. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and interview schedules. The data analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 software. Both quantitative and qualitative findings were presented in the study. The study revealed that there is high prevalence of poor MHM among adolescent girls, and there exist a strong association between poor MHM and low knowledge. The study concluded that menstrual hygiene management in public primary schools is greatly influenced by knowledge, attitudes and practices of school management and girls’ perceptions. The study recommends the need for comprehensive education interventions in school settings, delivered during early adolescence to reach pre-menarche girls, particularly in rural settings for improve menstrual hygiene practices. The government should have a clear monitoring tool to ensure pupils receive accurate and timely information on menstruation and menstrual hygiene management.

Teachers’ Use of Instructional Materials in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in private Secondary Schools of Gasabo District, Rwanda Fri, 05 May 2023 15:08:33 +0000 Read More Read More

Enock Mugisha – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS).
Alphonse Uworwabayeho – University of Rwanda – College of Education.
Amina Urwibutso – African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS).

Abstract: The use of instructional materials makes the teaching and learning of mathematics simpler, more eng aging, more enjoyable, and more closely connected to real-world applications. This study explored the teachers’ use of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of mathematics in private secondary schools in the Gasabo district, Rwanda. A case study research design under the qualitative method was employed. The convenience sampling technique was used to select five private secondary schools while the purposive sampling technique was adopted to select two teachers from the five private secondary schools in the Gasabo district, Rwanda. Self-administered questionnaires and classroom observations of ten mathematics teachers from the five schools were used for data collection. The collected data was read and reread, edited, and coded for easy interpretation and understanding in assessing its qualitative accuracy. The findings indicated that most instructional materials are available. However, the most ones used are textbooks and writing materials. The analysis of the classroom observations in relation to the sociocultural theory and Gagnes’ theory of instructional design revealed that most mathematics teachers used instructional materials as a way of presenting new content more memorable and meaningful to the learners. However, some teachers did not allow students to actively interact with the materials, and thus, students were not given the opportunity to enhance their active learning and participate in constructing their knowledge of the mathematics content. Based on the conclusion of this study, it is recommended that teachers should be creative enough to improvise simple instructional materials to spice up their teaching and not to prove unconcerned on the premise of unavailable or inadequate instructional materials. In-service training programs on instructional material utilization should be organized by school leaders to enable teachers to gain more knowledge on the use of instructional materials in the te aching and learning process.

Assessment on the Effects of Library Resources to Public Secondary School Students in Acquisition of Knowledge: A Case of Arusha District Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:15:26 +0000 Read More Read More

Sabina Ramadhani
Head Teacher; Ngorbob Primary School,
P.O Box 7037- Arusha District.

Dr. Paul Raphael Kitula
St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.
P.O Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.

Abstract: This study assessed the effects of the usage of library resources on the acquisition of knowledge among students in public secondary schools in Arusha district. The study examined condition of library resources in public secondary schools and investigated measures to be taken to improve the condition and effective uses of library resources by secondary school students. Convergent parallel design was adopted. From a target population of 5282, the sample for the study was 98 respondents which included 50 students, 40 teachers, 4 librarians and 4 heads of schools in Arusha district. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select the respondents while school heads were purposively selected. Questionnaires, observation guides and interview schedules were used as data collection instruments. Research experts validated the instruments and the reliability test (TQ=0.86 & SQ=0.79) was conducted using Cronbach alpha. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to generate mean scores, percentages and frequencies. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data and the presentation was done in words being supported by direct quotations. The study found out that the condition of library resources in public secondary schools was bad as most of the school libraries did not have up to date books. The study recommended for the government and other education stakeholders to support the schools by ensuring that the school libraries have adequate and up to date books. The study also recommended for students to be encouraged to use library resources for them to expand their knowledge and skills.

Effectiveness of Group Assignments in Assessing Knowledge Acquired among University Students in Arusha Region, Tanzania Wed, 21 Sep 2022 09:45:01 +0000 Read More Read More

Salim Ally
Head of School; Gidahababieg Secondary School,
P.O Box 233- Endasak. Hanang’ District

Dr. Paul Raphael Kitula

Lecturer; St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha
P.O Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania

Abstract: The study assessed the effectiveness of group assignments on assessing knowledge acquired among university students in Arusha region. Specifically, the study investigated the effectiveness of university lecturers on monitoring group assignments and identifying methods used by university lecturers to ensure effective use of group assignments. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. Eighty university students, 40 lecturers and 4 examination officers were sampled using stratified and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires were used to collect data from lecturers and students, while interview guides helped the collection of qualitative data from the examination officers. The instruments were validated using experts and the reliability was determined using split half method and the calculated reliability coefficient was 0.82. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis whereas mean scores, frequencies and percentages were generated by use of SPSS. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically alongside research questions and the results were presented in words supported by direct quotations. The study found out that lecturers perceived themselves as competent on using group assignments but most of the students were not satisfied with how the whole process of group assignment was conducted. However, both students and lecturers acknowledged the importance of group assignments on assessing the acquisition of knowledge. Despite the shortfalls, the study concluded that group assignments are effectively used to assess learning acquisition among university students. The study recommended for more seminars and workshops for the lecturers so as to enhance their competence in using group assignments while assessing the acquisition of knowledge among students.

Knowledge, Acceptability and Barriers to Female Condom Use among Women Visiting Kisumu East SubCounty Hospital Tue, 29 Sep 2020 06:13:30 +0000 Read More Read More

Chantal Akumuntu – Maseno University, Kenya – School of Public Health and Community Development
Anna Mbangukira – Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali School of Nursing
Corresponding Author:

Received Septermber 14, 2020; Revised Septermber 26, 2020; Accepted September 27, 2020

Abstract: Women account for more than a half of all people living with HIV worldwide. This has promted prevention actions targeting women. Female condom is one of the prevention measures that provide simultaneous protection against unpregnancy and STIs, including HIV/AIDS. Despite its introduction in 1993, its knowledge and acceptability remains limited mostly in developing countries literature. The main objective of this study was to assess knowledge, acceptability and barriers to female condom among women visiting Kisumu East Sub-County Hospital. The sample size was 438 selected using simple random sampling techniques. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that despite most women having heard and seen the female condom, a significant number had no knowledge about it at all; most women were willing to use it if had knowledge about it; dificulties in inserting it, holding it during the sex intercourse, making noise during sex intercourse, and lack of its availability were some of the barriers faced. It was concluded that knowledge and awareness of the female condom use and acceptance was insufficient despite technical barriers faced in using it. Female condom knowledge was very important factor in its usage for family planning and STIs prevention at Kisumu East Sub-County Hospital. The study recommended intervention strategies regarding more education, accessibility and availability of the female condom to majority women in their localities as an effort to increase knowledge, acceptability and usage of female condom in Kisumu East Sub-County.

Management and Utilization of Knowledge and Skills: Precursor for Sound Health Care and Food Security Thu, 31 Oct 2019 09:10:47 +0000 Read More Read More

Dr. Areba George Ngwacho – Kisii University

Received September 27, 2019; Reviewed December 23, Accepted December 31, 2019

Abstract: People in opulent countries as compared with those in underprivileged nations are beneficiaries of virtuous standards of living, freedom from diseases related with ignorance, prolonged lifespan, food security and unrivaled power to change their environs by managing and utilizing their skills and knowledge well. Seventy five percent of the six billion populaces in Africa survive in income of less than three thousand US dollars per person per year and over half below seven hundred and fifty US dollars. For the larger Africa populace,their existence is very lethargic. Paucity remains the order of the day, food security is not guaranteed, lifespan is lessened, and well-being is frequently brittle. Over hundred million children in Africa are absent from school with major leading causes being cost of education, diseases, lack of food among other factors. In many of the developing countries less than a quarter of children finish secondary education, and less than 1 in 20 learn at higher education level due to ill health and food insecurity.The capability system approach theory by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum informs the perspectives in this descriptive paper given that enough food and sound health enables an individual to develop set of capabilities which he/she uses to achieve certain functionings to enhance his/her well being.The effect of household schooling realization on health and food stability among poor families cannot be underestimated.To establish the connection between education achievement, health and food security is one step to the realization of sound health and reduction in prevalence to food security in any society. Consequently this will lead to strategies intended at improving health status and decreasing food insecurity among the deprived and augmenting household incomes.Education, food security and health have a two way causal relationship in the sense that education informs food security and health as food security and health informs education.These will be the propositions of this reflective paper given that management and utilization of knowledge and skills is key to socio-economic growth and that science and technology education has critical role to play more specifically on universal health care and food security.

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