Tag: instructional strategies

The Place of Critical Thinking in Physics Instruction

The Place of Critical Thinking in Physics Instruction

Dickson Kimeli Rutto, Peter Waswa & Simon WanamiUniversity of Eldoret, KenyaEmail: dixonkimeli@gmail.com Abstract: The teaching of critical thinking is paramount in physics instruction, it is achieved through acquisition of critical thinking skills by learners. Consequently, teachers of physics ought to employ instructional strategies that foster the acquisition of the skills. This article explores an array…

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Establishing Instructional Strategies Used By Teachers in Public Early Childhood Education Centers in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya

Establishing Instructional Strategies Used By Teachers in Public Early Childhood Education Centers in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya

Dr. Esther Chepkorir BitokKisii University, KenyaEmail: estherbitok@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke estherbitok2006@gmail.com Received September 16, 2020; Revised November 26, 2020; Accepted December 6, 2020 Abstract: Teaching strategies used in implementing the curriculum are the arranged interactions of people and materials planned and used by teachers. They include the teacher’s role, teaching styles, and instructional techniques. However in practice, most…

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Management of Learners with Special Needs in Inclusive Education in Makueni County, Kenya

Management of Learners with Special Needs in Inclusive Education in Makueni County, Kenya

Prof. Lazarus Ndiku Makewa, PhD* – Rwenzori International University, Uganda, Josephine Mbithe Mutie, PhD – Scott Christian University, Kenya.*Corresponding author: ndikul@gmail.com Received November 15, 2018; Revised February 22, 2019; Accepted February 26, 2019 Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate how learners with special needs in public primary schools were managed inclusively in…

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