Tag: Implementation

Evaluation of Policy Framework Implementation Procedures and Its Effect on Gender Mainstreaming in Universities in Kenya

Evaluation of Policy Framework Implementation Procedures and Its Effect on Gender Mainstreaming in Universities in Kenya

Adhola Grace Achieng, Caleen Nyamwange & George NyandoroKisii University, KenyaEmail: achieng4326@gmail.com Abstract: Despite the enormous advancements in development and the wealth of knowledge on gender mainstreaming, assessments and evaluations reveal a significant disparity in implementation, maybe because of difficulties with implementation. The study determined policy framework implementation procedures towards gender mainstreaming in selected Universities in…

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Implementation Constraints of Unconditional Cash Transfer for Elderly Persons: Experiences and Lessons from Kajiado County, Kenya

Implementation Constraints of Unconditional Cash Transfer for Elderly Persons: Experiences and Lessons from Kajiado County, Kenya

Kiburu Martha – Kisii University, Kenya. School of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Gender and Development Studies.Peter Gutwa Oino, PhD – Kisii University, Kenya. School of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Gender and Development Studies. George Mose, PhD – Murang’a University of Technology, School of Agriculture.Email: oinogutwa@gmail.com Abstract: Unconditional Cash Transfer…

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Effects of Teachers Time Management on the Implementation of Secondary School Curriculum in Arusha City Council

Effects of Teachers Time Management on the Implementation of Secondary School Curriculum in Arusha City Council

Neema Innocent Massawe Dr. Christine MajokavaSt. Augustine University of Tanzania, ArushaEmail: neysawe2013@gmail.com Abstract: The study investigated the effects of teacher’s time management on the implementation of secondary school curriculum in Arusha City Council, Tanzania. The study adopted descriptive research design and mixed method research approach to gather data. The sample size included 9 Heads of…

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Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Schools: Way Forward on Effective Implementation

Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Schools: Way Forward on Effective Implementation

Elkana Ntebi – St John’s University of Tanzania, Dodoma & Prof. Emmanuel D. Mbennah – Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania, Harare, Zimbabwe*Corresponding Author: juniorntebi@gmail.com Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore strategies that could be used in the implementation of the Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Tanzania schools. In…

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Implementation of Child Friendly School Programs in Schools as Perceived by Teachers and Learners from Public Primary Schools in Chesumei Sub-County, Kenya

Implementation of Child Friendly School Programs in Schools as Perceived by Teachers and Learners from Public Primary Schools in Chesumei Sub-County, Kenya

*Dr. Grace Cheruto, Prof. Daniel Allida & Dr. Catherine AmimoUniversity of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya*Corresponding author: cheru2013christ@gmail.com Received January 30, 2021; Revised March 14, 2021; Accepted March 15, 2021 Abstract: This study looked at the implementation of Child Friendly School Program as observed by teachers and learners of primary schools in Chesumei Sub-County, Kenya. The…

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Implementation of the Primary School Curriculum to Enhance Education for Life in Iganga District

Implementation of the Primary School Curriculum to Enhance Education for Life in Iganga District

*Sylvanus Twinomugisha Rwobusiisi – Kyambogo University, Uganda, Dr. Waiswa Mark Micheal – Kyambogo University, Uganda & Isiko Muhammed – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya *Corresponding author: stwinomugisharwobusiisi@gmail.com Received May 14, 2020; Revised March 9, 2021; Accepted March 10, 2021 Abstract: The study investigated how teachers of primary schools implement the curriculum to enhance education for…

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Capacity of School Teachers on the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Public Pre-Primary Schools in Belgut Sub-County

Capacity of School Teachers on the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Public Pre-Primary Schools in Belgut Sub-County

Rebecca Kabwos, Dr. Ezekiel N. Omwenga andDr. Neliah O. Moige – Kisii UniversityEmail: rebeccakabwos@yahoo.com Received December 22, 2019; Reviewed March 23, 2020; Accepted June 7, 2020 Abstract: Teacher capacity to implement inclusive education is critical to implementation of inclusive education. However, there are concerns that preschool teachers lack adequate capacity to implement inclusive education. The…

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Teachers Service Commission Sub–sector HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy and Provision of Support Systems in Nairobi County, Kenya

Teachers Service Commission Sub–sector HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy and Provision of Support Systems in Nairobi County, Kenya

Caroline Kioko, Dr. Simon Kang’ethe, Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Nduku The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Corresponding Author: carolkioko9@gmail.com Received September 23, 2018; Revised August 9, 2019; Accepted August 20, 2019 Abstract: Issues of HIV and AIDS which have been very vocal hitherto are gradually disappearing from media forums, yet prevalence rates are not reducing significantly…

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Competency- Based Curriculum in Tourism and Hospitality: A Practical Model for Rwanda

Competency- Based Curriculum in Tourism and Hospitality: A Practical Model for Rwanda

Nelson Mbarushimana – University of Tourism Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda mbarushimananelson65@gmail.com Elizabeth Role University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya bethrole@gmail.com Vencie Allida University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya vencieallida@yahoo.com ABSTRACT: This study investigated implementation and perceived impact of competency-based curriculum in tourism and hospitality on the workforce preparedness in Southern Province, Rwanda. This study…

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