Tag: Iganga District

Evidence that Feedback Appraisal is Implemented to Improve Teacher Performance in Public Primary Schools in Iganga District

Evidence that Feedback Appraisal is Implemented to Improve Teacher Performance in Public Primary Schools in Iganga District

Isiko Mohammed & Yona BalyageSchool of education, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya.Email: isikomohammed@gmail.com Abstract: This study ascertained implementation of feedback appraisal to improve teacher performance in public primary schools in Iganga District. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used on a sample of 396 including 317 teachers and 79 head teachers…

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Signs that Differentiated Supervision is Implemented to Improve Teacher Performance in Public Primary Schools in Iganga District

Signs that Differentiated Supervision is Implemented to Improve Teacher Performance in Public Primary Schools in Iganga District

Isiko Mohammed, Korso Gude, Yona BalyageSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya.Email: isikomohammed@gmail.com Abstract: The current study ascertained signs that differentiated supervision is implemented to improve teacher performance in public primary schools in Iganga District. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used on a sample of 481 respondents selected using…

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Implications of English Language Teacher’s Assessment Techniques on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Public Secondary Schools in Iganga District Uganda

Implications of English Language Teacher’s Assessment Techniques on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Public Secondary Schools in Iganga District Uganda

Namugaya W. A., Prof. Yiga, A. P., & Prof. Ssekamwa, J. C.Nkumba University, UgandaEmail – waibiannet@gmail.com Received July 5, 2020; Revised January 30, 2021; Accepted February 1, 2021 Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to establish from teachers of English language and students, the ways in which content expertise for English Language teachers…

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