Tag: HLI

Assessment of WhatsApp as a Collaborative Learning Tool in the post COVID-19 Era in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Tanzania

Assessment of WhatsApp as a Collaborative Learning Tool in the post COVID-19 Era in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Tanzania

Mutajwaa Alphonce Shuubi and Kivara Minael ReubenCentre for Information and Communication TechnologySt John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: salphonce@sjut.ac.tz, rminael@sjut.ac.tz Abstract: Information Technology has changed our societies in a variety of ways, before COVID-19 and after COVID-19. A mobile phone being one of the devices under technological generation is needed in teaching and learning. In higher learning…

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MALL and CALL Technologies as Means to Enhance Learning English in Higher Learning Institutions: Challenges and Strategies to Developing Students’ Speaking Skills

MALL and CALL Technologies as Means to Enhance Learning English in Higher Learning Institutions: Challenges and Strategies to Developing Students’ Speaking Skills

Anastasie Uwababyeyi – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, RwandaDr. Jean Paul Ngoboka – University of Rwanda, college of EducationDr. Patrick Ujwiga Anguru – University of Rwanda, college of Education*Corresponding author: anastasieuwababyeyi0@gmail.com Abstract: Many graduates leave Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) incompetent in communication skills in English and fail to successfully compete on the labor…

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