Tag: Government

Triple Helix Model for Retrofitting Technical and Vocational Education Training in Transition to Green Economy in Tanzania

Triple Helix Model for Retrofitting Technical and Vocational Education Training in Transition to Green Economy in Tanzania

Godfrey G. Moshi – Department of Electrical Engineering, Arusha Technical CollegeNaisujaki S. Lyimo – Department of Applied Science and Social Studies, Arusha Technical CollegeErick V. Mgaya – Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) TanzaniaEmail: godfrey.moshi@atc.ac.tz Abstract: Tripartite relationship between academia, industry and the government establishes the simplest and sustainable framework to address challenges in…

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School Infrastructure Utilization and Pupils’ Academic Performance in Government Primary Schools in Kichwamba Sub- County, Kabarole District, Uganda

School Infrastructure Utilization and Pupils’ Academic Performance in Government Primary Schools in Kichwamba Sub- County, Kabarole District, Uganda

Juliet KyakyoTeam University, UgandaEmail: kyakyojuliet7@gmail.com Abstract: The study examined the influence of school infrastructure utilization on learners’ academic performance in government primary schools in Kichwamba Sub County Kabarole District. The researcher used a cross-sectional survey design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study population consisted of head teachers, teachers, health workers and students from…

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