Tag: Governance

Devolved Governance Approach and Improved Service Delivery in Nyamira County, Kenya

Devolved Governance Approach and Improved Service Delivery in Nyamira County, Kenya

Asuma Mariita Nchaga – Adventist University of Africa, KenyaMurongo Esau – Kampala International University, UgandaEmail: corneliusasuma@gmail.com Abstract: The difficulty with service delivery remains a hard task to determine amongst devolved governments and as such there are mixed reactions in the implementation of devolution. This paper aimed at analyzing the effect of devolution system of governance…

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Electronic Governance System Implementation and Its Influence on Public Secondary School Management: A Case Study of Meru District, Tanzania

Electronic Governance System Implementation and Its Influence on Public Secondary School Management: A Case Study of Meru District, Tanzania

Abednego M. MulokoziEducation department, Meru District Council. Tanzaniaabedmulo@yahoo.co.ukPaul Raphael KitulaSt. Augustine University of Tanzania – Arushakitula07@gmail.com Abstract: This study aimed to assess the application of electronic governance systems and their influence on the governance of public secondary schools in Meru district. The following were the objectives: determine the extent of applicability of electronic governance systems…

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Integrating Organizational Behaviour Models in Good Governance for Sustainable Development of Educational Institutions in Tanzania: Fact or Fiction?

Integrating Organizational Behaviour Models in Good Governance for Sustainable Development of Educational Institutions in Tanzania: Fact or Fiction?

Karoli John Mrema, PhD Department of Educational Management and Policy Studies, College of Education, University of Dodoma karolymrema@gmail.com Received November 15, 2018; Revised February 17, 2019; Accepted March 10, 2019 Abstract: This paper investigated the integration of organizational behaviour models in good governance for sustainable development of educational institutions in Tanzania. The study was conducted…

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