Tag: Food

Food Production and Food Insecurity: Lessons from Small Holder Farming in Ugunja Sub County, Kenya

Food Production and Food Insecurity: Lessons from Small Holder Farming in Ugunja Sub County, Kenya

*Jackson Oloo, Dr. Reginald Nalugala and Dr. Stephen AsatsaThe Catholic University of Eastern Africa*Corresponding Author: Jackoloo.08@gmail.com Abstract: Food insecurity has been a major global concern since 1940s. The purpose of this study was to examine the level of food production and food insecurity lessons from Ugunja Sub-County in Kenya. Grounded on The High Payoff Input…

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Contribution of Milk Collection Centers in Improving Rural Household Food

Contribution of Milk Collection Centers in Improving Rural Household Food

Sylvestre Mbanza and Simon Sibomana Department of Hotel and Restaurant, University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda *Corresponding author: smbanza@gmail.com Received October 31, 2018; Revised December 13, 2018; Accepted January 31, 2019 Abstract: The study was conducted to explore the contribution of milk collection center in improving rural household food security, Byimana sector, Rwanda.…

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