Exploration – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://www.jriiejournal.com Mon, 05 Feb 2024 11:52:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.jriiejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-JRIIE-LOGO-1-32x32.jpg Exploration – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://www.jriiejournal.com 32 32 194867206 Exploring the Integration of ICT in Promoting Inclusive Education: A Case Study of the College of Business and Economics at the University of Rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/exploring-the-integration-of-ict-in-promoting-inclusive-education-a-case-study-of-the-college-of-business-and-economics-at-the-university-of-rwanda/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=exploring-the-integration-of-ict-in-promoting-inclusive-education-a-case-study-of-the-college-of-business-and-economics-at-the-university-of-rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/exploring-the-integration-of-ict-in-promoting-inclusive-education-a-case-study-of-the-college-of-business-and-economics-at-the-university-of-rwanda/#comments Mon, 05 Feb 2024 11:49:25 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=4443 Read More Read More

Gratien Bibakumana – Kigali Independent University, Rwanda
Onesme Niyibizi – College of Education, Rwanda
Email: bibakumana91@gmail.com

Abstract: This research aimed to investigate the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in fostering inclusive education within the College of Business and Economics at the University of Rwanda, focusing on the experiences, challenges, and outcomes associated with ICT integration. The study involved 210 undergraduate students in the faculty of business administration, with a targeted sample of 84 students selected through stratified random sampling. Employing a mixed methods design, qualitative data were gathered through in-depth interviews, employing thematic analysis to identify patterns and perspectives. Additionally, structured questionnaires were used for quantitative data collection, focusing on the extent of ICT integration, its influence on inclusive education, and perceived barriers. The findings revealed predominantly positive outcomes, including improved accessibility, enhanced student engagement, and the importance of teacher training. However, challenges such as addressing diverse learning styles, digital literacy, and ongoing adaptation were acknowledged. Recommendations included addressing digital literacy skills, infrastructure gaps, and monitoring to ensure equitable access and positive outcomes for all students, emphasizing the transformative influence of ICT on learning experiences while acknowledging the need for continuous efforts to overcome challenges and maximize inclusivity.

https://www.jriiejournal.com/exploring-the-integration-of-ict-in-promoting-inclusive-education-a-case-study-of-the-college-of-business-and-economics-at-the-university-of-rwanda/feed/ 1 4443
Exploration of New Teachers’ Empowerment Approaches via Induction Program: Case of Rwanda https://www.jriiejournal.com/exploration-of-new-teachers-empowerment-approaches-via-induction-program-case-of-rwanda/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=exploration-of-new-teachers-empowerment-approaches-via-induction-program-case-of-rwanda Thu, 16 Apr 2020 05:55:41 +0000 http://jriie.com/?p=750 Read More Read More

Authors: Dr Jean Francois Maniraho – University of Rwanda-College of Education, Gafiligi Uwamahoro Clementine – Education for Development(VVOB), Dr Rita P Nimusabe – University of Rwanda-College of Education, Jean Baptiste Mushimiyimana – University of Rwanda-College of Education.
Email: jmaniraho2@gmail.com

Received January 25, 2020; Reviewed March 6, 2020; Accepted April 16, 2020

Abstract: New teachers’ induction approach is taken as an important process for inspiring to join the teaching professionas it offers an introduction to the teaching working conditions and practices, increasing motivation of teachers and enhancing their problem-solving skills. In Rwanda, an induction program for new teachers with a focus on empowerment is being implemented by the Rwanda Education Board in partnership with VVOB –Education for Development and the University of Rwanda –College of Education. The main objective of this paper was to examine the awareness and knowledge of key players on new teacher induction in Rwanda: Key players to this end are: 1. the deans of studies in Teacher Training Centers (TTCs) and; 2.New teacher mentors at TTCs.The data used were collected in April 2018, through questionnaires completed by research participants. The model of new teachers’ induction program by Diane Corcoran and colleagues was used as our conceptual framework. Due to a small sample size of 22 participants, we analyzed our data using the quick impressionistic summary investigative method and opted to present our results into affirmations. The study exposed that the role of New Teacher mentors at TTCs was relatively weak. Besides, our results, revealed that deans of studies had different views about the induction concept. The induction implementation in schools was found to be confronted with both limited knowledge on induction activities for the concerned people and time constraints. However, because of a small sample used for such quantitative study, we have not opted to generalize its findings. The paper ends with recommendations to different concerned stakeholders
